Chapter 10

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I smiled as Bree stood in front of her mirror spinning. She was trying on some new clothes that her family had sent her. It consisted of mostly black which I had noticed was alot of what she wore normally when we were putting her clothes, that I had brought to her from home, away. There were some other colors mixed in mostly darker though. Blue seemed a favorite of hers. But I had yet to see her in that color since before we came to Volterra. It was nice seeing her like this. Since I had arrived I only saw her like this when something came from her family. Otherwise she was reserved but she was trying. I could tell that much. She missed her family. I wished there was something I could do to make her smile. I enjoyed seeing her smile. It made me happy seeing her smile. Bree looked free and happy and though I knew she didn't like to admit it I could tell I had broken a few chunks from her wall and she would show some type of affection toward me every once in awhile. It was rare and normally short lived but they happened and I loved every second of it.

Sighing I just sat in the chair watching her enjoy the new clothes from Ruth and Alice. "Someone is enjoying themselves. I do not think I have ever seen you act more like a girl then right now." I spoke watching her which I regretted soon after for she turned and glared at me but it didn't hold long and she laughed at it. "Yes well...I may not enjoy being their doll but they do know my style and I love new clothes. Though they'd kill me to know the Volturi only gave me one robe and I've had to wear it many times repeatedly. They don't even like us wearing clothes twice. Though I don't mind. I can rework outfits to make it seem like I have only worn the outfit once." Bree explained with a hint of excitement. Nodding I watched her spin once more before glancing over to the rest of her closet. I had to have mine remodeled so she could have room for her clothes. So we took the room next to mine and converted it into a closet or so the Volturi thinks. Really we turned it into a bedroom for Bree where she could spend time alone. Though we don't sleep I still thought it would be fair for her to have her own space. We removed the front access door and just made it a wall. The only way in is through my room. The leaders don't know this and no one else really cares.

She had turned one wall into a library and since arriving she has received so many books. The Volturi library was extremely vast and we had been there several times. The leaders have even given her access to their private library. I was surprised by how much they had trusted her. They even allowed her to wear a black cloak which was reserved for the leaders. Though myself and Jane wore near black we didnt wear black. So the fact they had given her a black robe almost immediately was shocking to say the least.

Another part of her room had a technology corner which consisted of computers as well as many other technological objects that Fred and Shelley had sent her. She had so far failed in the progress of calling her family. She figured it was due to the Volturi blocking her. Though neither of us had figured out how. So far she could only type in her digital diary and check on the progress of her family's business.

"Alec..." I looked up hearing her, "Yes, Bree?" Watching her I notice her take a deep false breath and turn to me. Her face had fallen and she now seemed sad. "I wish we could get out of here for a little while. I hate being couped up. Don't get me wrong I like being inside so much but the only time we leave is to go hunting but that's all. I want to see the sights and enjoy them. I'm sure its beautiful but I've only seen the woods and inside the castle. And even then I haven't seen the entire thing. I want to explore. I want a little freedom."

Bree sounded so sad. Her mood had changed significantly from just a moment ago. I took it to mean that she had been thinking about this for awhile and just now brought it. I decided not to question it. Instead I frowned and walked over to her. I stood behind her in the mirror and stared at her. "I know, Bree. I feel it too. I would love to give you the grand tour. But I'm not sure they would let us. They might think we are trying to escape."

Bree looked down frowning then turned to look at me. "Can we at least petition for the ability to tour? Perhaps by saying I want the grand tour. They may act surprised that I haven't had it yet." Bree said and looked at me. I thought for a moment and nodded. It was a good idea. I laughed when I saw her face. I knew she heard my thoughts. Bree was actually excited about it and hugged me. I chuckled and hugged her in return. She pulled away soon after though. I didn't mind. She was still getting use to me being around.

"We can go now. If you'd like." She stared up at me and smiled nodding. "Let's go!" I chuckled and grabbed my Volturi cloak and we headed to the door. Locking it we turned and walked toward the room of the leaders. She had her hand wrapped through my elbow with a large smile on her face. She was truly beautiful. I couldn't get enough of her smile.

Soon we reached the room and were allowed in as some insignificant human announced us. Aro turned surprised to see us. "Bree. Alec. To what do we owe the pleasure." I looked up at him and then eyed the other two and bowed to them. Bree did the same. "We would like to put forward a petition." I spoke confident in what we were about to do.

Aro's eyebrows raised at my words. "And what sort of petition would you like to put forward?" Bree straighten and tightened her grip on my elbow just slightly. They wouldn't have even seen it. "I would like the grand tour. Of not only the castle but of Volterra. I have been confined to our room and the woods below the castle. Please allow me this privilege." I had to admit I was slightly jealous of her confidence. She was amazing. She squeezed my elbow lightly which I assumed was due to my turn in thoughts.

Aro turned to his brothers and smirked over at us. "Well I am surprised that you haven't had the grand tour sooner. You can go. But you have to take Dimitri with you." He said staring over at us. I tensed hearing him and her grip on my arm tightened as well. "Surely we don't need a babysitter. We wont run away. We had a deal Aro. I promised you I wouldn't leave and if I ever did you would harm my family. We don't need a babysitter." I heard Bree speak. If she hadn't of spoken I would have released my powers.

Aro stared at us for a split second but then chuckled. "Oh dear Bree its not a question of you running away. I don't want anyone harming our secret weapon. Dimitri can track anyone to the ends of the Earth so if something happens he can track them." It was Bree's turn to tense. I shook my head. "No. I'm not letting that man near my Bree. We will be fine by ourselves." I refused to let Dimitri near my Bree. I didn't trust him. Not before I met her and not now. I hated him.

Caius shook his head, "No. You two can not go alone. He's going and that's final." Bree squeezed my arm tighter and I just she was terrified. I stood and took in a breath. As we stood at a stalemate I clenched my jaw staring at them. With that the door opened and we all turned to see who it was. "I'll go with them mi'lords. I know I can't track like Dimitri but I can protect them just the same. Besides Bree can track them. Allow me to escort them around. It would be my pleasure." Bree and I stood there a moment staring at Felix then turned to Aro. He was right. Felix was strong and could protect us and Bree could track. It was much better. "Yes. I would rather have strength on our side. Bree can track better then Dimitri. Allow Felix to escort us." The leaders all looked at each other and this time it was Marcus who spoke up. "Very well. We will allow it." We three bowed and took our leave. Felix lead us back to our rooms.

"Thank you, Felix. I greatly...I mean we greatly appreciate it." Bree said before hugging the large man. She had taken a liking to Felix. He reminded her of Emmett and Diego in size and he was rather sweet as well. I nodded hearing her. "Yes. Thank you. I'm glad it is you and not Dimitri." I had a feeling Felix knew what was going on with us and Dimitri and he seemed to make his mission to protect Bree. She had mention something about him having a daughter before he was turned. That he believed Bree is what she would have been like had she lived past adolescents. "It is what I do. I am happy to be of assistance. Inform me when you wish to take your tour and I will escort you." With that he bowed and continued down the hall to a room two doors down from ours and entered. I smiled at her and we entered our room together.

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