Critical Beginnings

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Hello everyone! Did you miss me? I hope you guys aren't angry at me for ending this story like I did. Again I would like to thank all of you that stuck around through the entire book. I know it wasn't easy. I sadly had a lot of trouble with it from the files becoming corrupted to a long battle with writer's block and I sincerely apologize for that. But I wanted to let you know that the sequel is coming out soon and I have the cover and the name prepared. Included with this chapter there is also going to be a sneak peek for vol. 2. I can't wait to share the book with you.

So without further ado drum roll please!

-drum roll is heard in background-

The title for Book 2 is....

Critical Beginnings!

I know it's horrible but if you have something better I'd love to hear it.

The book cover is below:

Well I hope that makes you guys happy

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Well I hope that makes you guys happy. We will be going through a small time jump from the end of the first book to the second book. Just giving you a quick heads up. Also in the second one we find out what has been going on with Bree. There will be flashbacks through to the time we jumped and some from even the first book that we didn't touch on.

One last thing before I give you the sneak peek. The prologue of New Beginning is probably eventually going to become it's own book and I'll flesh it out a bit more. But for now it will remain as it is. That's a little ways away because I want to work on Critical Beginnings. So I think I covered everything.

If you all have any other questions please don't hesitate to comment or send me a message on my profile or a private message. Either way I will definitely answer you. I promise. I know I don't leave author's notes on my chapters but that's only because I never know what to say. But I do love you guys a lot and appreciate all the comments and likes and definitely all those who read. So thank you. As promised here is your sneak peak of Critical Beginnings.


Staring up at the night sky I couldn't help but wonder what she was doing right now. But then the thought crosses my mind of what is being done to her and that's when I hear the snap. Looking down I groan as I looked at the body next to me. Now I had an even bigger mess to clean up. "Great. I needed him alive."

Growling I tossed the body to the pile with the rest of the burning bodies. The purple smoke filled the air and I released the false breath. It's been 7 months since my dearest Bree was taken from me. From her family. I have been tracking any information I was being fed by her family but for once Alice couldn't find anything. No one could figure out why.

Picking up male's belongings I skimmed through his wallet but found nothing. I slipped it into my bag and pick his phone up next. I used the special gloves the Cullens had equipped me with and unlocked his phone. I hummed lightly as I scanned through the device. I went through the call log and found nothing abnormal. Again nothing seem....wait...

It wasn't quite recent but there was a message conversation that caught my eyes. 'The package has been uncooperative and we haven't been able to break through. Will notify you if anything changes.' I stared at the words before glancing toward the fire.

"Dammit. Who were you working for!"I cursed as I stood there. I knew I needed that man alive. I cursed myself but knew I needed the Cullens and Tanners to figure this all out. This man could have known about where Bree was being held. He could have even been one of the ones that took her. They were not going to be happy with me...


So there it is. Your sneak peak for Critical Beginnings. I hope you liked it. Keep an eye out for the release of said book. I can't wait to share the sequel with you all.


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