Chapter 11

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After that days turned to weeks which turned to months. Every few days, at first, we would visit some where different. Bree had researched in order where exactly she wanted to go. I enjoyed watching her with excitement and we had been spending a lot of time with Felix. He had become more of a big brother/father figure to the two of us. He took to our little group happily.

During one of our little trips, Bree and myself had grown thirsty so we invited him to try our diet. He was extremely hesitant at first so we didn't push him but after several times of us going hunting he decided to try it. He didn't like it at first and we both had told him that it was always like that the first couple times but it was actually pleasant after that.

Felix had opted out after that until one day he told us he had been feasted on humans and wasn't pleased with it anymore. He was surprised that he had lost a tasted for human blood and although he wanted to do both he preferred the animals. We answered any question he asked about it the best we could. Bree answering them more so then me due to the fact that she had bee doing the animal diet quite a bit longer then I had been.

We enjoyed his company and it gave someone else for Bree to talk to and learn from. Up until this point in our stay with the Volturi she only had me and her diary to talk to. She seemed happier which in turn made me happy. It seemed everything was going exactly like Alice had said it was suppose to go. What we didn't know was that jealousy and a dark shadow was lingering in nearly every corner we graced.


I was sitting in the Volturi library one day alone because Felix and Alec had something they were wanting to surprise me with so I had been confined to the library while I waited. It was peaceful in there and I was happy. But I wasn't paying attention to the book in my lap.

I had been thinking about my situation with Alec a lot lately. I knew I would never had a mate. I had seen it in Aleksander's vision. But moments with him were coming natural and it terrified me. How could he do this to me? He was my friend and though he wasn't being pushy he was letting intimate moments happen. He knew that I was destined to be alone. But he wouldn't accept it. I had. Why couldn't anyone else?

Covering my face I sat there curled up in the chair frowning and sighed a false breath before looking up at the high stained glass window. The colored light was darkened with the light of the moon and it was beautiful. When I noticed the darkness I realized I had been in there for hours alone.

I was so use to having Felix and Alec around lately that I was growing lonely. Closing the book in my lap I stood and returned it to the shelf. I ran my fingers across the binding of some of the books nearby and closed my eyes. Before I became a vampire at school I spent so much time in the library. It was my world away. Books were my secret hiding places. They took me to another world and taught me about magic and the supernatural.

I released a soft laugh at the thought. All those book were wrong about vampires. When I joined the Cullen's and had went to train with the Denali clam I learned a lot from them about the Volturi and how they had integrated false information about vampire kind into civilization.

The irony that I had read so many books about vampires that when Riley told us we burned in the sun that the army believed him. But truth was none of it was true. Everything was so different now and when I thought back on those days I would smile just a little at how naive we all were. It got most of the army killed. Then I'd frown and wish I could shed a tear for my fallen comrades. Though not all because some were evil and probably deserved to die.

Shaking my head I opened my eyes and continued down the books when I noticed the air in the room shift. Someone was here. I turned quickly when I realized it was neither Alec or Felix. I tensed just a moment. "Whose there?" Their scent was blocked from me and I couldn't tell from thoughts because there weren't any present. It was strange. There had yet to be a mind I could penetrate...unless they just weren't thinking anything.

Raising a brow I glanced around and took a defensive stance. My eyes flew from shadow to shadow trying to find the intruder of my peace. I was becoming nervous. I wasn't use to not knowing who was near me. I was also feeling uncomfortable without Felix and Alex. But I couldn't call out for them because I knew how they were. They'd come in guns blazing.

Standing there I looked around trying to find the source. I was at a loss and just stood still. Frozen. Worried. Maybe a little terrified that I couldn't figure out who it was.

Turning to my right I heard a book drop from near me but no one was there. I frowned turned to my left hearing another book fall but found no one. "Who ever is there reveal yourself!" No reply. Of course there was no reply. But I had to try.

Before I knew it was being held to the ground and my legs were ripped off so I couldn't run. I tried to cry out but something was stuff in my mouth. A hood placed over my head and I was carried out of the room. I screamed out in my head calling out to Alec or Felix in hopes of being saved. But with my legs gone I didn't know if I'd survive. If I did I hoped I could see my family one last time. If just only to say goodbye.

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