Chapter 8

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I sensed she was scowling at me inside her head. She was angry and wanting to use her ability on me. Lucky she was blocked as well and couldnt use her powers. "Just you and me, Jane. My family has nothing to do with this and I will not hide. I will fight even if it's my own life that is taken to protect them. I know what you are planning and what you have believed your brother has been planning for 100 years but he has not. You should know he believes me to be his mate. You are just his sister. Nothing more. You were the one that believed he loved you. But he only loved you as a sister." I could hear her screaming 'lies' in her head and I just shook my head. "It's not lies. If I could have showed you his thoughts I would have but he needs to be protected from you as well. So he is hidden away where you can not find him and if something does happen to me. Then he will be protected from you by my family." I told her as I stood there in front of her.

I frowned hearing the thoughts of my family. I had to block them out and continue to concentrate. "I know you are good at finding abilities just like your father, Aro. So as a proposition I want to offer this to you. If you do not accept then we will fight. But you will be at a few disadvantages as I know you use your abilities to fight for you. You do not know how to fight which is why you have assembled this army of abilities against us. I can block your abilities easily and I can keep people at bay. So you will have to fight hand to hand without your abilities and since you will have no abilities I shall not use any of the ones I am copying as well. For that is cheating and I do not cheat." She glared at me inside her head and just stared.

"My proposition for you is that...." I hesitated and frowned then took in a false breath and looked up at her with my head held high and my eyes not wavering. "My proposition is that I will join the Volturi. Adding many abilities to your roster. But my conditions are that Chelsea will not touch me with her abilities and no one is to harm my family. I will join and they will be safe." "Bree! No! You cant! Please! No!" I cringed slightly hearing the cries of my family but I wouldnt let it fault me. I would do this to protect them. I searched Jane's mind as I waited and watched her deliberate my proposition. She was curious as she could see my abilities physically she didnt know the full extent of my abilities. "Shall I show you then?" She was curious I could tell as to the fact I could hear her and that it seemed I could freeze people. But what else could I do? I smiled and glanced over to one of her lackeys and unfroze them and used Jane's ability on them before freezing them in agony.

"I can do much more then just that. I can blind people like Alec. Have visions like Alice. Make a shield like Bella. Read minds like Edward. Feelings like Jasper. Repulse like Fred. Freeze like Diego. I can do that and more. I am an ultimate weapon. I would be a great asset to Aro. But I will only join you if my family is safe." She was smirking inside and I knew she was accepting me. She wanted to show Aro what she found and be rewarded for the incredible find. I nodded then turned to my family. "Thank you all for everything. Take care of each other. Take care of Alec. Please do not come after me. I love you all. Goodbye and...good luck." I nodded and turned unfreezing Jane and her lackeys and soon we all disappeared into the forest headed toward Volterra. I knew what I did was for the best but I still would miss them. I still loved them. I didnt unfreeze them until we were too far for them to follow us quickly. I knew they would be angry with me but I had to do this. I had to protect them. It was the only way to do it. They were my family and I loved them dearly but this was something I needed to do...

Alec's Point of View

When Bree ran out of the house all I could wonder was why she would do this. I could tell she was trying to be strong and I could tell she felt something for me. She was fighting it. She didnt want to feel this for me. I wasnt sure why but I knew I had to protect her. The longer she was gone the more worried I became but the freeze didnt break. Not for what seemed like an eternity. But couldnt be more then an hour or so. When it broke my fear rose and I rushed out of the house and followed Bree's scent to the Cullen's house and looked around. They were all standing there and body parts were tossed around but I didnt recognize any as Bree or even Jane's. I rushed forward grabbing the collar of one of their shirts. Not really seeing who it was for all I saw was red. "Where is Bree?! What happened to her?!"

They all stared at me sadly and the one I was holding frowned while another pair of arms grabbed me and pulled me away from the one I was holding. I turned and saw the dog that was with Bree. The one she called Seth and the tall one I think she called Fred. The one I had been holding was the olive skinned one Diego. I growled and hissed but when I saw they were all frowning my eyes grew. "She's not...what happened to her ?! Where is she?!" I glared wanting someone to tell me. "Alec...she.... " I turned and found it was the leader. Carlisle that spoke. "She left with Jane." I stared at him confused. "What do you mean she left with Jane?"

Edward was the one to answer me. "She offered to join the Volturi in order to protect us. To protect you. She is headed to Volterra to speak with Aro." My face dropped hearing him. My Bree headed to the Volturi? " wouldnt...she couldnt...They'd use her and abuse her How could you let her leave?! You know what they will do to her! We have to go after her! We have to stop her!" I turned to go but was then frozen once again in place and grabbed before being unfrozen again.

"She froze us just as she froze you. She didnt want us to stop her and she doesnt want us to follow her. She wants us to stay and protect each other. To protect you. She left only if her conditions were met." I stared at Edward but Alice continued the topic. "And they will be. She will not be happy with them but to protect her family she will stay with them. If we follow she will die." She said and I just stared at her. "Then what do you propose we do? Just stay here and continue existing and forget about her? She's your family. She's doing this to protect you. You're just going to stand here and do nothing?" She smirked and shook her head.

"I said if we follow she will die. I never said you. Bree wont touch Aro. She wont let him see her thoughts. She will simply share her thoughts with them. She has been around all of us long enough and honed her abilities long enough she can hold onto familiar abilities for extremely long periods of time. And her family's abilities she will have nearly for eternity if she is away from them for that long. She truly is the ultimate weapon. But Bree wont be used by them. She will use them. She's a smart girl. Her experience in the army caused her to realize that she is more powerful then most vampires and she can turn it around and use them instead of them using her. She admitted she will never be used by someone again and she will hold true to that. She will become the 4th Volturi leader quickly. Aro wont want her out ranking him and taking over so he will ask her to be apart of their family." Alice said and everyone stared at her stunned.

"She will do it. And she will use her position to protect those she loves. Eventually she will over throw the leaders of the Volturi and they will bow down to her and she will rule the vampire world. This was my vision for her all along. If the decisions are made correctly there will be a new ruler over our kind. With her abilities she will be able to rule it with peace and harmony and no more battles for territory will be fought. She will do great things. We just have to help her set things in motion. And that starts with you Alec. You must go to her and help her. She needs a bit of home so that she will know what she is to protect. You are the only one the Volturi will let near her and the only one she will let near her. She obviously wont trust them easily and she doesnt completely trust you but she will soon. But we need to set you up with some supplies. I got them prepared just in case Jane took her up on her offer. Come. Let's get started." With her words we all were stunned into silence and she grabbed my arm and dragged me inside. I couldnt believe her words. None of us could. Bree would be our queen? I smiled for I knew she was capable of it.

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