Chapter 13

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So uh hi. I know I normally don't do this but I'm sorry about this chapter. It has some implied things that might be a trigger for some. I just wanted to let you guys know just incase. Ok. So uh on to the chapter!


Opening my eyes, I blinked at the bright light that poured onto my face. I closed them for a second as my sensitive eyes adjusted to the brightness and was finally able to look past it. Looking around I noticed that I seemed to be in some kind of dungeon room.

Where am I? How'd I get here? Why don't I remember anything? I touched my head trying to remember what had happened but the last thing I remembered was being in the library. My legs being torn off and something covering my head. I screamed out in my head for help and that's it. That's all I remember. I stared at the ground then went to rest my hand on my leg but noticed they had reattached my legs only to detach from the knees. So I could sit up but I couldn't walk. I growled in frustration. "Hello! Anybody out there!"

I heard a loud thud and what sounded like a lock opening and soon the door opened and a tall man with black hair that had hints of blue in it followed by a young woman not much older then myself with brilliant blonde hair walked in. They closed the door behind them and stared at me. "Its awake. About time." He said and I stared at him in utter shock. It? He turned to the woman making sure his back was never to me then soon turned back to look at me.

"Your name was Bree wasn't it?" I nodded at him trying to be cautious. All my instincts from the army were kicking in but without my legs I couldn't do much and I couldn't feel my powers though I felt power from one of them I couldn't pin point what kind or who it came from. It was as if my power was blocked somehow.

"What do you want with me? Why am I here?" The man grinned and came closer though still at a distance where I couldn't touch him. "You'll find out soon enough. For now. Welcome to hell." With that they turned and walked out of the room. The girl glanced back and I saw something in her eye but I couldn't tell what. I sat quiet as they left. The door thud ed as they closed it and the lock made a loud clunking noise as it closed.

I stared at my hands confused. Where was I? Who were they? What did they want with me? Had Alec and Felix heard me scream for help? Suddenly I felt like I was locked in my childhood home with my abusive, raping, and murderer of a Father and I felt terrified even though I was stronger now. But what could I do? I was trapped in a cell. No way to run out and my powers weren't working. I wished I could cry.


"Thank you for getting here so fast. I don't think we could do this without all of your incredible talents." I glanced around at the three large groups of families in front of me and Felix. They were the only ones I trust with my love's life. But I felt horrible and blamed myself for her disappearance. They had trusted me to take care of her and she disappeared while I was away from her. I knew I should have never left her alone.

When I looked up I realized Felix was giving instructions to the groups. Turning I decided to step away from the group but then I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up. "Don't worry so much. We'll find her."Edward said and I noticed Jasper was next to him. "We don't blame you. It's not your fault. We didn't know this would happen."Jasper said and I looked down and shook my head. "But I should have known. She's the biggest threat in the Volturi. Bree has many enemies. I should have seen this as a possibility."

I heard a sigh from behind them and turned to see Fred standing there. "Bree...we have instincts from the army. Things that cause us to always be cautious. As such I may have done something slightly overprotective when Bree returned to us all those years ago. I've updated it as technology changed but I wanted to always know where everyone was incase something ever happened I'd be able to find everyone." Raising a brow and pushed past Edward and Jasper who were just as lost as I was. Though Edward was probably something more along the lines of slightly amused by what Fred was saying.

"What did you do?" He stared at me hesitant on what to say. "What did you do to my Bree!" It took me longer then I expected to realize what I had done. I felt the arms holding me back as I stared at Fred wanting to know what he had done to her. If he knew where she was he should have told us. I just knew he would be the one to know where she was with his technology know how. I growled but the arms grew tighter around me. I was on the ground being blinded by repulsive visions before I realized my abilities had started seeping from my body. I sat there staring at the ground for longer then I knew.

When the visions disappeared and my sight restored I looked around to notice we weren't in the courtyard below the castle anymore but in my room. Or much more exact of Bree's room. A dark skinned male came into my vision with a smirk. "Back with us kid?" I glared at him and huffed before I looked away.

Bree once explained to me how Fred's abilities had advanced over the years and I just knew he had been the one to repulse blind me. I was angry but I sat still in the chair they had placed me. Felix must have shown them into my room through the secret passage. That was the only way they could have gotten in. Looking to my left I saw Felix leaning against the arm of the couch glowering at the back of Fred's head. It took him a full minute to look at me. I saw his face shift and he moved toward me. "Just so we're clear I didn't agree with them doing that to you."

I nodded and sighed at the thoughts. I wanted my Bree. I need her. My chest ached for her. I could feel the emptiness that had pounded in my chest for all those lonely years. It was worse now that I had been by her side. My long dead heart hurt at the loneliness I felt in this room full of people. I hated this. I was suffocating. Standing I headed out the door that connected the two rooms to find my room was empty. They were all in Bree's room. What they were doing i had no idea but I just needed to get out of there. I closed the door behind me and walked over to the bed. Before I could lay down I heard a knock on the door.

Walking over I opened the door to find a box on the ground. No one was around. I glanced down the hall both ways and saw no one. Being lost and confused I picked up the box and walked back inside and moved to the bed after shutting the door. "I found her!" I heard from the other room but I was preoccupied by the box on my bed that I had just opened. Inside was a shoe that matched the other one Bree had left behind. I tensed as I saw what was with the shoe.

People rushed into my room but hesitated when they saw me. I paid no mind to them as I picked up the bracelet that I knew belonged to Bree. It had her family's crest on it. Curling my hand around it I picked up the note inside the box.

Dear Alec,

I have your precious Bree Tanner. You have one year before I kill her. Tell her family that the tracking device in the bracelet was a nice touch but it would make you finding her alive too easy. Trust my words. You will find her dead not alive. Tic toc goes the clock.

P.s. she's a screamer. did you know?

I growled crumpling the letter in my hand and collapsing to the floor. The people stood still as a statue as Edward recanted the letter from my head.  I had one year to find her or she would be dead. How was I going to do that? Honestly though the biggest thought in my body was fury. Fury over the last line of the letter. She's a screamer. Did you know? When I found whoever did this I will rip them apart and put them back together only to do it again and again as I made smaller and smaller pieces each time. They would pay for hurting My Bree. They had ruined our New Beginning.


So I hope you guys liked it and you aren't too mad at me for what happened. Thanks!

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