Chapter 1

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We stopped off in several towns after that and used some of the money to buy Seth some clothes and one day, after 5 years of running, we sat at a café during an overcast day. Sighing I sat as Seth ate, “What’s wrong Bree? Is something bothering you?” I looked up hearing him and shrugged lightly. “I’m just thinking. You know how we get distracted. ADHD on steroids.” I smiled at that as I played with the fork on the table. He chuckled lightly hearing me. I had to remember to play human while we were here and it was difficult but I had to do this. I needed time away. I had intentionally left my cell phone behind so I wouldn’t be bothered and I realized it was a good thing to bring Seth. Alice couldn’t see where I was with him around.

“Are you done?” I asked once he finished his dessert. He nodded and then we paid and walked away. I was walking solemnly when Seth offered me his arm. I smiled and wrapped my arm through his. “I don’t like seeing you like this Bree. I care about you and I want you to be happy.” He stopped and looked down at me. He touched my chin and lifted it to make me look at him which is exactly what I did. “Please Bree.” I smiled and nodded and he leaned forward kissing me on the forehead. I closed my eyes and smirked lightly. He liked doing this in public. It was intimate but I always turned his advances down. I knew we couldn’t have any type of relationship. If we did I would be the one to end up hurt. He would imprint and I would have a broken heart. I loved him, yes. I cared about him, yes. But I couldn’t be with him.

Seth was my best friend. I loved him and cared about him dearly and I wouldn’t allow anyone to harm him. “Thank you for being with me Seth. Even though you didn’t have to and honestly you shouldn’t have but you did and I’m glad because I don’t know what I would have done if I had been alone the entire time.” He nodded resting his forehead against mine. “Mmmm….so peaceful.” I smiled up at him and took his arm and head out of town. As soon as we reached the line of trees though I froze and snapped my head up as I scented something familiar. Seth stared at me until he scented the same scent. “Vampires….I smell blood….Bree…” I nodded and put my finger to my mouth. I didn’t have Edward or Nessie’s powers any more so we couldn’t have our mental conversation like we use to. I quickly gestured instructions and he nodded as he did as I had said.

Quickly I jumped into a tree and sensed an ability. Electronic Telekinesis. Strange….I had never sensed an ability like this. Frowning I grew closer. It was two figures. A male and a female. But the scents seemed familiar. But I couldn’t pinpoint who it was. We had in the past five years crossed paths with some of the nomads that came to help with the almost battle. I frowned when I came across the corpses left but the vampires weren’t gone. I glanced around and found them preparing a place to rid themselves of the bodies. Their tactics reminded me vaguely of tactics we used back in the army. That was strange because only Fred, Diego and myself were the only survivors. Or maybe we weren’t. Just because we had never come across them didn’t mean anything. But who were these two?

Then for a moment the male turned his head toward the female and I caught the profile of his face and gasped. “Steve….” It was a slight whisper but I knew they heard me and they took on the defensive and looked up at me. “COME DOWN!” I jumped down quickly my hair hiding my face as I landed on bended knee and looking down at the ground. “Impossible…you…you died…you all died….” I smirked hearing Shelly and raised my head as I stood looking at them. “Actually, Fred, Deigo and myself are the only known survivors. Well obviously besides you…” I smiled at them and they just stared at me.

“You…have you come to kill us?” I shook my head in reply to Steve’s question. He had taken a protective stance with Shelly. They had been the oldest in the army. Steve being in his late 20s and Shelley being in her mid to late 20s. I had never learned their story before they left the army months before the battle. “I would never kill family.” They stared at me lost and confused. “Family?” I nodded and smiled brightly. “Yes. Family. You guys are my family. Just like Diego, Fred and well…” I frowned at the final name. “And Alexandria now.” Steve looked at Shelley and then back at me. “Alexandria? Whose Alexandria?”

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