Chapter 4

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Walking into the clearing our house was nestled and looked up and my smile grew as I rushed forward and jumped into the arms of Seth. "SETH!" I gigglied as he spun me in his arms and finally when he let me down I hugged him. "I have missed you so much! How is everything going?!" He chuckled hearing me as he hugged me.

"Everything is well. I missed my oldest and dearest friend so I decided to return to see how she's doing. So how is my oldest and dearest friend?" He asked holding me in his arms. I smiled resting against him and just enjoying being near him. I had missed him so much. I couldnt help being near him. "She's alright. Just...being the leader. It's been lonely but we have..." He pulled away alittle and looked down at me and touched my cheek.

"I'm sorry Bree. You told me not to let it happen but honestly I did fall in love with you. But then I did exactly as you said and imprinted on someone else. I didnt want it to become like my sister. I hope it didnt. But it would be worse for you. You are a vampire. You...I'm sorry Bree. I wish we could be like we use to." I frowned hearing him and stared at the ground.

"You shouldnt worry about me, Seth. You are married now. You are happy. Please. Dont let my loneliness distress you. I just...I just havent found the right one." I smiled though it was fake. I never told Seth my permanent loneliness. I never told him I was destined to be alone. Always alone. But I couldnt tell him. I didnt want to tell him I had to let him be happy.

I pulled back and took his hands in mine smiling. "You should come see the family. It will be nice to have you around. How long are you staying anyways?" He frowned then took in a breath and looked at me shrugging. "I dont know. As long as you need me, Bree." I looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?" He laughed lightly. "I suppose they didnt tell you then. Jake sent me. They knew I was closer and would be able to get to you faster. So I was sent to help you with whatever you need. Speaking of...what do you need?"

I stared at him shocked. Jake had...he had listened to the entire conversation. Of course. I looked up at him and nodded. "You remember Alec? Jane's brother." He nodded and I took a false sigh. "He's here. Seemingly alone. But..." I furrowed my brow in thought and he was shocked into silence.

"There's something else...umm..." I frowned a moment then looked up at him. "He has gold eyes. He hasnt faltered in years. Decades. He wont tell us why he's here and we're worried." Seth stared at me worried. He frowned and took in a breath. "You're sure?" I nodded and he glanced away from me. "So he is here for some mysterious reason. It explains why you called the Cullens. We I will enroll in the school to help you out. Alright?" I smiled and nodded. Seth smiled and nodded and then glanced away and pulled me back into his arms and dipped me. I giggled looking up at him. "Seth!" I squealed and giggled as he held me so he didnt drop me. "I can play your boyfriend."

I stared up at him shocked. "What?'re married." He smiled and kissed my forehead lightly. "I am married. But you were my first love Bree and my wife knows this. Since you are a vampire and I am a shapeshifter and there was no way I would ever imprint on you. Even if I still fell in love with you Bree. And I suppose it would help you as well. I could protect you from him and I stink to vampites so he wouldnt dare come near you again. Please Bree. Let me do this for you." He touched my cheek as he pulled me into a standing position and rested his forehead against mine. I closed my eyes and frowned. I didnt like this because I was still recovering from losing him. It was horrible. I remembered everything and the pain I felt from falling in love with him and him imprinting destroyed me. It was the same as if my mate died. But not nearly as equal. It still killed me to feel that pain.

I stood there not moving. Just enjoying this. He hadn't done this in so very long I missed this. I just didnt want to say anything. Opening my eyes I frowened whn I saw the faint tan line where his wedding bad had been. He didnt wear it anymore. But he did wear it constantly years ago. The tan line wouldnt be noticable to a human but to me I could see it easily. I pulled away and looked up at him. "I wish we could. We can just say you are a family friend transferring in while your parents are doing business overseas and you are staying with us. I dont want to get you in trouble with your wife."

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