Chapter 9

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I stood staring out the window praying I could do what the Cullens had asked of me. Bree would be safe but I had to figure everything out. The Tanners and the Cullens had decided it was best to pull us from school for awhile and say we are all going on vacation. Steve and Shelley prepapred lessons to last awhile for their classes and they were helping me prepare. I turned and saw each suitcase Alice and Ruth had prepared for Bree. Mostly clothes. I couldn't help but laugh at that thought. The boys had told me how Bree hated being their dress up doll and yet she did it to appease them as long as they didnt go outrageous with it. Which they claimed to not have.

I stared out Bree's window before turning and looking at the empty spots in the bookshelves. Seth and Fred had come in and picked out some of the books they knew Bree enjoyed and Fred packed up her technology and had it all ready. I could see how much the Cullens and the Tanners were relying on me to help Bree. I just hoped I could manage it. If Bree really was going to be our Queen I wanted to stand by her side. Though I had a feeling she still wouldnt welcome me easily. I knew I still needed to have a talk with Aleks. Who from what I over heard is like a cupid. I sighed and then turned hearing someone at the door.

"Diego. I wasnt expecting you. I thought everyone went out to get last touches for Bree." He stared at me then shook his head. "They did. I decided to stay behind. I need to talk to you about something." I stared at him confused. "Me? Why me?" He took in a deep breath and blinked at me. "I know you love Bree. And you have for over 100 years. But she is our family. My sister. If you hurt her. I wont hesitate to kill you." I nodded, "I understand but I wont hurt her. I love her. I wouldnt let anyone hurt her."

He nodded, "I know. But they might try. You have to protect her. Be her rock. Her guide. You are far older then all of us probably put together. You know how the Volturi work. They will possibly try to drag you back down but you cant let them. If you truly love Bree. Stand by her. With her. Protect her. Don't let her falter." I smiled and nodded. "I will. I promise you Diego. I will take amazing care of her. Even if she doesnt want it." Diego chuckled and nodded. "Oh, she wont want it. She will tell you she did all this to protect you and her family. She told us not to follow. The fact that you are when she risked herself to keep all of us including you safe? She wont like it at all. But once you explain to her. I think she will be alittle more accepting."

I nodded knowing that since I got his approval and I think the approval of the rest of the family I knew I could do this. But I still needed to speak with Aleks. He was turning to leave when I spoke his name. "Diego, where's Aleks? I wish to speak with her before I leave." When he explained I headed out the door and down the stairs. I took in a deep breath and walked out to the field behind the house and toward the garage. That's where it seemed Aleks spent alot of her time. I didnt mind. It was quiet out there and I needed to talk to her. I had to know what she saw. "I was wondering how long it would take for you to come find me." I chuckled because I knew she would know I'd come find her. She was probably just as curious about it as I was.

"Yes, well I had to collect things from Bree's room but I am here now so will you please explain to me." I started but when she chimed in I knew she had the same questions. "Why I sensed no mate for Bree and why I sensed Jane was your mate?" I nodded hearing her question. She sighed and shrugged. "Bree always believed it was because I couldnt sense of people older then me but I sensed others that were older then me so we abandoned it. I'm starting to wonder if it depends on how much older they are then me. You are roughly..what...800 or so years older then me? It is possible that I just cant sense over a certain age. I didnt try with Aro and the others. So I wouldnt know. But Bree is the only one I cant see a mate for.

"I think I just assumed you and Jane were mates considering how you acted toward one another for which I apologize. But I can see you now. Bree is your mate though she takes me at my word and believes she will never have one so you will have to earn her trust. It wont be easy. She is extremely stubborn and wont come over easily. You have to make her trust you. Then get her to fall in love with you. Which knowing how well you know her. Shouldnt be too hard but she will fight her feelings. She wont fall easily. But when she does, She will not falter and she would be true and bound stronger then any other mates I've come across. Stronger then any of us. I mean it. Now that I know the truth I can see the future bond of you. Save her. Protect her. Love her. But be gentle with her. She's still a child just as you are. careful." She smiled and nodded at me. I glanced down and nodded to her as well. "I promise."

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