Chapter 12

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I stood with Felix discussing Bree's surprise. "We're all here. Well actually Rose and Emmett are almost here. Shouldn't be too much longer." Carlisle said through the large touch video screen we had set up to communicate with the Cullens and Tanners. Felix and I had been trying to be as secret as possible. We had made Bree promise not to read our minds because of it and as far as I knew she hasn't.

"She is going to be so happy. She really misses her family." Felix spoke looking up at the screen. I nodded in agreement. I was happy Shelly and Fred were able to set this up. It had taken so long for us to get through the Volturi firewall. We were just waiting for them all to arrive at their house. The Tanners had all been in anticipation waiting. While the Cullen's were rounded up by Alice because she foresaw it happening. She and Rose were sitting impatiently which was unusual being that vampires didn't get nervous or anxious or fidgety like humans.

I chuckled lightly at the thought. I released a false breath and looked back at everyone. "How long til I can go get Bree?" I said impatiently. Alice giggled. "They are nearly here. Go ahead and go get her. By the time you return they should be here." I nodded and headed toward my door but froze as I reached for the handle. As I was touching it I heard Bree's voice scream out in my head.

Felix joined me at the door. "Bree...." He said, his voice dripping with worry. I yanked the door open, nearly pulling it off its hinges and ran toward the library where we had confined her. "Bree! Dammit where is she?!" Felix and I searched but couldn't find her and we didn't sense her nearby. Her scent lingered in the air then disappeared when it reached the door. I growled at the lack of my mate. She was missing and I was pissed. It wasn't until Felix spoke my name did I realize my powers were licking the door frame. Shaking the moment I pulled it back in and looked up at him.

"Did you find anything?" He nodded at my question and lead me over to where her shoe was laying. She tried to fight but by the looks of it... She failed and now she was gone. I grabbed a nearby table and threw it against the wall and threw my fist making it rain splinters. Through clenched teeth I stood there seething, "where is she...who took her?!" Felix was fuming just as much as I was. He thought of her like a daughter. He'd lost his first one and now he lost Bree.

He was beyond angry and I didn't blame him. I was as well. I clenched my fist and I was fighting for control of my powers. I needed my Bree. Where was she? Where should I look first? Why was her scent missing? Why was she missing?! I growled as the thoughts ran through my head and I knew the first place to look. I turned and rushes to the leaders room. Felix trailing me. I burst through the door not caring. The human was trying to stop me and I pushed her to the ground and the guards stepped in my way and I turned my powers on them and through them across the room.

" what do we owe the pleasure of this rude entrance?" Caius spoke. My gaze turned toward him and he was surprised by the anger there. I rushed forward and stood in front of Aro. "Where is she!" He was shockingly calm despite my powers rolling out of me. "What do you mean, my son?" I growled and stared at him. "Bree. Where is she!" Again he remained calm staring down at me. I sensed Felix tense behind me.

"I know not where she is. I was under the impression she was with you. I assume she is not from you bursting in." I snarled at him and grabbed the collar of my hand but I felt Felix grab my hand and pull me away. Though I fought against his hold I couldn't break free. "Cut the crap! Bree is missing and I know you know where she is!" He stared at me and turned to Marcus and Caius who both shook their heads. Though Caius looked beyond angry at the interruption we caused by bursting in.

"Sadly we do not but we will give you some guard to help you find her. Did you follow her scent?" I stared at him when I heard Felix's voice from behind me. "She had been in the Volturi library alone reading. We were coming to get her when she called out for help in our heads. We didn't hear her again and when we went to the library to find her..." He let out a false breath. "She was gone. Her scent ended at the door and the old scent to our room but that is all. Her shoe was all that was in the library. She was no where to be seen and her shoe was all that was left." I ground out between clenched teeth.

The 3 leaders stared at us at a loss before looking at each other. I don't know how much time past but it was around 5 minutes at least. I tensed more and more the longer it took them to speak. "Take me there." I released my tense and stared at Caius in shock. Did he just tell us to take him there? To offer assistance? What's he planning? Straightening my jacket I growled and turned heading back toward the library. Everyone knew that Caius was the only one of the three with no powers. What did he think he could do?

Walking into the library, Felix held the door as we walked in. I stood near Bree's shoe and frowned at it. Caius bent next to her shoe and touched in before turning and heading to the door. I can only assume he noticed her scent vanished because he returned and stood there a moment. "She most definitely fought. Her scent is stronger here but something's strange...the same moment scent seems to be in three places." He spoke and I raised a brow confused. I watched as he bent and picked something up.

"What's that?" I raised and brow as he held it up to the light. "Fibers. They looked similar to the  she usually wears. There's quite a bit here." He frowned and looked up at me. "Bree was torn apart. By the looks of it only her legs were ripped off. If it had been her arms there would be more fibers of different fabric." With this news my fist went through another table. Caius raised a brow at my reaction. "I am going to assume you are the reason for the other destruction." I glared at him and her nodded. "I am going to return to Aro and Marcus and let them know. We will send you guards to assist you in..." I shook my head and growled. "I trust family with my Bree. Felix and her family are the only ones I need. Do not worry about assisting me. I will fins her without the Volturi's help."

I turned and rushed back to our room only to have Felix open the door so I didn't break it down. "Alec! What's going on! Hello!" I looked up hearing voices and hurried into Bree's room and looking up at the screen. I had gotten distracted with losing Bree. I had nearly 'forgotten' that we were going to surprise her with seeing her family. "Bree is missing." They all stood in shock staring at me at a loss for words.

"What do you mean, Bree is missing?" I looked up and took in a deep false breath and looked into the eyes of Esme. "Exactly what I said. She's gone. When I was about to get her Felix and I heard her call out in our heads. We rushed to the library and she wasn't there. Her scent ended at the door and her shoe was on the floor. We can't hear her anymore." I explained tensing just slightly as I recanted.

Felix stood next to me looking up at them as well. "We went to the leaders and they weren't aware of her missing. In fact they seemed distressed by her disappearance." I stared up at him shocked. "You were too angry to notice." He said and looked back up at them. "Caius went with us to the library and he discovered fibers on the floor. He concluded they were from Bree's jeans. He seemed to think her legs had been removed. He believed that was all considering the lack of any other kind of fibers. He seemed confused by the lack of scent as well. He said we could use guards to find her." He explained and looked down at me.

I growled at the memory and stared up at them. "I declined. I said all I needed was Felix and all of you. The only ones I trusted with my Bree." They stared at us and half the family were fuming while some were filled with worry and others were shocked and confused. I was feeling all of those emotions and more. I wanted my Bree back. It hurt to know she was missing. I needed to know she was OK. I had to find her.

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