Hopeless romantic

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I wrote this two years ago, but I still feel the same. (Kidding)

Daily 📔 of the night:

What is the meaning of "hopeless romantic"?

A hopeless romantic person believes in happy endings, they write and send love letters. No matter if love has brought them all sorts of trouble - but they never stop believing in love. Urban Dictionary defines it perfectly:

This person is in love with love.They believe in fairy tales and love (but lives in real world).They're not to be confused as stalkers or creepy because that's not what a hopeless romantic is.

As a young teen who watches too much of romantic movies and reads so much love stories, I always like the idea of "love" and being in love. Sometimes I see myself goofing over some wholesome stuffs around me and I get too sentimental about it.

The way these love stories have influenced me to become the person I am today really make me feel the love that abides and that surrounds me. But let's talk over the positive and the negative thing here. The positive thing about this is that you tend to become soft hearted towards people and you always consider them not for what they want from you, but for who they are for you.

You love the imperfections of other people and you tend to focus more about it. You love the idea of being in love and you often day dream of your significant other. You like writing love poems and other stuffs related to "love". It's true 'cause being a hopeless romantic isn't always a bad thing.

Sometimes it brings out the best in you. It makes you think of positive things and you get to enhance the way you feel about other people and the way you believe in love. The negative thing here is that you hope a lot from someone, but sadly- that someone doesn't like you the way you do. It will just make your heart ache. Sure, it is.

However, the more you least expect something to happen, the more you'll unexpectedly discover things. Being a hopeless romantic should have limitations too. It's not like you should expect too much, but at least you should know your boundaries.

Someone told me, "Don't give your 100% to someone, at least have 50% or more for yourself." Yeah, it's true. As hopeless romantics, let's try to not give everything to the person we love/ admire. Let us give some to ourselves. Let's still be "hopeless romantics", but with a twist: a beautiful growth for our inner self.

A growth wherein we could still believe in the power of love and everything about it, but a growth also wherein we try to love ourselves too and appreciate its innermost beauty despite of its scars, bruises and everything that hurts inside us. Love can wait. Love is patient. And here we are -- "hopeless romantics".

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