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Synopsis- Rocky likes someone else in Mumbai but Rajendra Desai kills her. Reena unfortunately pay for the mess.

Yash as Rocky
Shrinidhi as Reena

Warning- Harsh language and sexual content

Rocky put his coat side while unbuttoning his shirt. He take small steps to bed, where Reena was half laying, reading book. She side eyed him. Poor Reena, her only fault which lands her here that she is Rajendra Desai's Only precious daughter. Rocky abducted her, killing her father. She is paying physically and emotionally for what her father did.

Rocky glared at the beautiful mess infront of her. He is being her biggest nightmare. He lost the only girl he likes because of her father. That's when he decided he won't suffer alone. He killed Desai Mercilessly and make sure he won't be calm in hell as well, he took his beloved daughter, Reena.

He straight went to Washroom, giving himself a cold shower. He came out draping towel on his waist, pour some liquor for himself.

It's hard for Reena to ignore him. The first time she saw him, he was killing her father. That very night she lost everything, her only family, her house and her virginity. She still didn't know what just happened with her. He didn't forget to remind her, either with his gestures or words, that she is serving the punishment. What's even more unfortunate is, she falling for the devil.

Rocky holding the glass, walk towards her. Going near her without losing the eye contact, he grab fistful of her hairs. His actions make her jerk and a squeak voice came from her, he smack his lips on hers. She clutched the bedsheet at sensation. Soon the tounge gets involved, her tounge gets easily dominated by his. Getting out of breath, she started nailing his back. Her nails were leaving marks oh his back. He moved back, leaving her panting. She dared to look in his eyes, Lust and anger were clearly visible. He grab her ankle and pulled her, making her lay straight on bed. He hovered over her, tears made her cheeks wet. He cares her tear stained cheek, going bit lower, he teases her, running his fingers around the shape of breast. Not waiting any further he stared kissing the nape of her neck. Licking, sucking and bitting, giving her more hickeys. His one hand perfectly playing with cleavage and tip of her breast. She curled up her legs at sensation. He again kiss on her lips, while his hands were getting rid of her kruti. He looked at her again in maroon brassiere, lust just grew ten folds. Rocky hurriedly remove her bottom wear as well, leaving her in lingerie. He started showering kisses on every inch on her body. She bitting her lips. Her hands were messing with hairs. Once satisfied, he came up and started giving open mouth kisses on her cleavage. Soon his towel and her only bra were on floor. He took her one bossom in his mouth and playing with other. Not controlling any longer, she moans hard. He gave same attention to other bossom. Her underwear joins where her rest of clothes were, on the floor. Using two fingers, he circles around her clit. By now she was moaning mess. He insert his one finger inside,

"Ahha", she shouts out of pain and ecstasy.

"So bloodly wet." He smirks

He position himself, playing with her clit.

"Rocky... Rocky please." Reena grab his hand. She can't take his torture for any longer.
With a jerk, he pushed inside her. A painful shout escape her lips. He started moving in and out, with his own pace. Soon the pain vainshed leaving only pleasure. Between her moans and his grunts, only sound in the room was, Reena saying Rocky's name with love and pleasure. They got there orgasm together. But how can one round satisfied the monster. He took her two more times, before throwing a duet on her without turning back and leaving room and a humiliated Reena. She covered herself with duet, while watching him leave. It isn't a new thing for her now. It's his way telling her every other day, she is not love but his mistress.

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