RR ~Congratulations~

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On request by silvershadesxx

Rocky's world stops spinning. There was choas in the mines. Vanaram and Kasim chacha were shocked with sudden attack. Rocky slowly walks towards the Reena who was on the ground. Rocky sat down and touches her back, from where blood was flowing. Reena has tears in her eyes. The moment was supposed to the happy one. She wanted to tell him he is going to be a father. They are pregnant. But she couldn't because of Adheera. He barged inside the mines. His aim was hurt Rocky which he did by Shooting Reena right infront of his eyes.

Reena holds Rocky's hand. For the first time ever she saw a drop of tear in his eyes. She didn't want to leave Rocky, not atleast like this. The pain of leaving him with his child and him not knowing is hurting more than bullet wound on her back, upper side of shoulder. Her eyes were getting dazzy.

"Nahii.. Reena.." Rocky murmured.
Vanaram came to them. He check Reena's pulse and than looks at Rocky. "Her pulse is working but getting weak. I will take her to kgf. You handle here."

Rocky cares her cheeks and nods. "Go."

Adheera and Rocky had a massive face off. It wasn't easy for Rocky to take him down but then angry Rocky is way more dangerous than anyone else. That too anger of his only love, Reena getting hurt. Adheera and company was dead by Rocky.

Rocky reached kgf with his face and shirt soaked in blood. He was completely justifing his monster title.
Malamma came and inform him. They have taken the bullet out. But...

But what? Rocky yells scaring everyone.

But... Before malamma can answer the doctor came out. Rocky were piercing his eyes on him. Doctor for once got scared looking at him. His monster talks are real.

"We have taken the bullet out. She fine out of danger." Rocky sighed. "Is was difficult to save the baby but we control the blood loss on time. So your baby is also save. Just be more careful. She is weak and need some extra care."

Rocky was staring at doctor. Doctor looks at him confused.
"You know she is pregnant, right."

It's rings the bell in Rocky's mind. That's why she came to mines and showing those tantrums of food not being good, want sour items. Rocky closed his eyes. The realisation gets more deeper. He is going to be a father. He ran to see her. She was lying on bed, unconscious. Everyone else left the room to give them some privacy. He keep his hand on her belly. He smiles a little. He is going to have a baby. He felt every emotion in that moment. He kiss her belly. The smile getting bigger every passing minute.

"Amma aa rhi hai." He hear Reena's Hazzy low voice. He kiss on her forehead. Reena feel the warmth of his rough muscular hand. Rocky gave her some medicine and she slept holding Rocky's hand.
Rocky has alert Vanaram and others to be more careful of such attacks. He promised Reena, he is going to protect her and their child at any cost and never letting them get hurt again.

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