RR ~Wild love~

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On request~ @FalakNizam

Exotic content. If feel uncomfortable don't read this one.

Reena collected her clothes and slowly tip toes inside the washroom. The water ease her body, washing his scent on her and the guilt and fear came back.

Reena is madly in love with Rocky, his boss. She works as his personal assistant, very personal. Rocky is what exactly a woman dream for. Reena wasn't the only one who fall for him but what makes her special is that Rocky only responds to her. Well she is a very beautiful woman with a clean heart.

Right now she just have sex with him, which was love till she was on bed with him. Guilt, because she knows, he isn't going to marry her, he is not and never going to be her and he has made it obvious to her still she let him control her. There are chances that she might remain as an other lady in his life. That's her biggest fear. The knock on door break her chain of thoughts. She came out in peach bath robe. Rocky was standing with a glass of wine in his hand.

"The night is still young and you are already done with me." Rocky said eying her with lust. He knows her weakness, it him only. Reena kept looking down playing with her fingers.

Kya hua?
(What's wrong)

"Papa ne ladka dekha hai, kl milna hai."
(My father wants me to meet a suitable match.)

Rocky kept the empty glass aside. Yes she found her very exotic, very attractive, he did lust after her. He wanted the beauty for himself. The mere thought Reena in another man's arms, get him in worst mode.

Rocky slides his fingers on her face. His thumb outlines her shape of her luscious lips. She is in physical relation with him from past a year but every time he touches her she felt her body burning. Her hand automatically rest on his bare toned body, on his abs.
He glance at her hand. He then pulled her by her neck, smacking his lips on her delicate one. She responds within seconds. He threw her on bed and again capture her lips. His tounge was dominating. He opens her robe and throws her aside. Looks like he too never gets enough of her. She laid there in her naked beauty. He uses his expert fingers on her. From her eyes to her cheeks then, lips. Running his fingers down her neck to valley between her beautiful plum breast. She can feel his hardness on her thighs. Rocky started playing with her breasts, massaging them, pressing them. Reena's moan were turning him on. She herself was on fire. Her hands were tangled in her own hairs. Her mouth was chanting Rocky's name. He cups her breasts pinching them.
"I am going to fuck you so bad, let me see how you are able to walk tomorrow."

"Rocky." Thats the only word she could utter as he takes her one breast in his mouth playing with other. She was moaning mess by now. He was kissing, licking and sucking the life out of her. He gave the same attention to other bossom. Reena's hand were all over were his broad muscular chest and back.
Rocky moves down kissing her every inch of her. It's like exploring her is his fav job to do. He came face to face with her sex. His hot breathe fanning her down at her womanhood. Reena tried moving herself upward so she can came in contact with Rocky's lips. He smirk. "Impatient, are we?" He softly and gently thumbs her clit, slowly circling it.

"Ahhh, Roc.... Rocky." Reena's moans and groans were getting higher. His actions were going on down while his eyes kept looking at her face, her exotic expressions, which were increasing her hotness. Within all the mess, she was smiling as his beard was tickling her inner thighs. That's when he dig his mouth and starts eating her. He was literally having Reena like she is his dinner. As she was about to come, he got up. She growled in frustration. His member was hard for her. He no longer can control himself. He part her legs away more as and place himself near her clit. He isn't making anything easy for her. He at first started rubbing himself slowly at her clit.

"Rocky.... please......"

"what... You want me, Shona, inside you."

"Yessss... please....."

With sudden force he enters her. He was thrusting in and out. Their grunts and moans once again filled the room. Reena, long forgotten about the guilt, were on pleasure ride with her love. Whenever she is with him like this, she didn't give two shits about guilt, right or wrong. Rocky have his orgasm followed Reena some seconds later. They remain in the position, with Rocky on top of her. He kiss her lips and trail it her necks, softly, licking, nibbling in her neck. Her hand were in his long hairs, caressing them. Rocky's eyes went at her phone which has a message of her father. He simply switched it off. The mere thought of having Reena like this by another man, make him go insane. Rocky may marry Reena or not but she is entitled only to him.

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