RR ~Loving Father~

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Request by Hela_Loki_Thor

"Shona are you still upset." Rocky tries holding her hand but she went away ignoring him. Rocky sighs. His eyes land on their four year old son busy playing with his mother's bangles.
"Ayeee my dearest Son.... Your mumma ain't talking with me but you will play with me. You know your father is very good boy. Right." Rocky was talking very sweetly with his son Shiv. He started playing with him. While Shiv was smiling and making cute faces like understand what Rocky is saying. Reena was upset but still a smile crept on her face looking at father-son love. Rocky hold his son in his arms carefully and slowly swings him. Shiv was laughing. He is enjoying with his father. Rocky kiss his son's cute fluffy pink cheeks. He soon realise his shirt is wet. He can't sweat this much in one go. Reena started laughing knowing what Shiv did before Rocky did.

"Did your mother told to do this." He ask his son in comic manner. Shiv answer him in his own gibberish language. Well he is Rocky's son how can he let someone win in words banter. Rocky looks at Reena for help. She took the novel and sat on cushion like she didn't notice.
Rocky see Shiv is now getting bit irritated a little. He laid him on bed and took his shirt off. Reena shifted her gaze to stare at his handsome husband. Rocky saw her and she  pretends to be in her novel. Rocky smiles. She herself behaves like kid sometimes.
Rocky, while engaging Shiv in his kiddish talk and language, so he didn't cry. He changes Shiv's daiper and his clothes. Reena was smiling. The monster Rocky, whose name is enough to ring terror bell in others heart is such a soft daddy. If she ever tell this to anyone they refuse to believe her. She walked up to father son duo, kiss her son.
"You know how lucky you are Shiv.... THE ROCKY... has time for you which he didn't have for anyone else." Rocky accept the taunt. Rocky fall on Reena intimately hugging her on bed.
"Ouch... Rocky" Reena's soft hands did no job while hitting his muscular body. Shiv giggles looking at their parents.
"I will teach you how to romance, so you can love like your father." Rocky said proudly, Reena mocks him taking her tounge out.

Beauty and The Monster //KGF Series//Where stories live. Discover now