RR ~Love Punishment~

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Reena's Pov

My eyes fell on the huge wedding pic inside my room. My room has 60 percent of my photos, 30 percent of our pics together and rest of Rocky's pics. Well, reason is my husband, Rocky. He is one of the most influential person in the whole country. Money is not a issue now. To be honest, his every issue revolves around me, Reena Raja Krishanappa Bairya. My marriage is more of a business deal. As per Rocky, it was love at first sight for him. He did confess the same to me. But i was scared of his personality. He is Ruthless monster. I have heard papa praising him. Offcourse i have different opinion now. So, he then have some words with my father and next thing i know i was his bride.
He does treat me like his queen. I can clearly see his other side, his love, caring, romantic and sexy side. But sometimes his love make him over protective and over possesive. That's when I am scared the most. As if he is not the same Rocky whom I fall for. Yes, i accept i love him, hard. There is no way I can ever back out even if he hurts me.

Rocky closed the deal successfully. There is a reason he known as the biggest businessman. He saw his personal mobile. There were few messages from his Reena.

can I go out with my old friends?

Rocky.... ??? Plsss

Are you busy...

I am out with my friends at mall for shopping and eating. Plss don't worry and don't get angry. I love you❤️

Rocky gave an unnoticeable smile. Usually it's him who go out with her. And very rarely he let her go out with gaurds. As he get ready to leave, he saw Reena in opposite resturant with some shopping bags. He can never mistake her. His fist got tight. Well she mentioned friends but never that three of them are male. She was smiling and enjoying. Well he notice one of them is couple. Ok. He was busy in his own girl. No problem. But one of them was too close with Reena and clicking her pics and selfies.
Rocky replies back to her message.

See you at home.....


Reena's face gone pale as she read his message. Rocky saw her getting up and hurrying towards car. Her friend tried stopping her, one guy hold her hand but she left.
She stepped out of car and saw Rocky's car entering. She thought he is going to scold her for going alone, message wasn't enough. Once she saw Rocky's face, she understand it's worst.
Rocky grab her hand and went inside.

"Where were you?" He asked straight.

"I....i..... Message you with my friends at Mall and then resturant, The China Wall." She said the truth.

"With" he again ask.

"Friends. You can confirm. I am lying." She hates when he doubt her. No he trust her. It's just his over possesive nature.

He kiss her forehead. "You know i trust you." After some pause, taking his coat off, he continues. "I just hate any man near you, any man close to you, any man touching you." Reena got a reason for his anger. "Only i am the one who can touch you." He snarled.

"They are.... Rocky.... They....my friends only." She was nervous.

Rocky kissed her back of hand and took her inside their Jacuzzi room.

Rocky kissed her back of hand and took her inside their Jacuzzi room

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He start removing his shirt. Reena fondle her fingers. Soon her clothes were on floor by Rocky. "That bastard's touch need to be removed."
The last peice of clothes, his pant also joined their rest of the clothes. He make her sit inside jacuzzi, carefully as of she is made of glass and starts giving her soothing bath. His touch on her body is never normal even when it's holding hand let onle this intimacy. As his hands reach his breast, she became stiff. She tries to touch his shoulder but he stops. "No Shona...." She looked at him wondering. "You are going to get punished, if you touch me the time we are here, i am going to double the punishment." Rocky made himself clear. "Got it." She nodded.

His hands did there best on her. Body. It's getting hard for Reena to control herself. He purpose make her fingers dance on her. "Rockyyy please."

"Noo," he seductively whisper her. Rocky knows she won't control herself anymore. He smirks and fingers her very lightly on her bud down there. Reena gave up and grasp his hand for support.

"You lost darling." Rocky kiss her cheeks. She engulfs him in hug for complete body support. His hand still on her inner thighs. At this time they both completely lost themselves and stayed like this for good time.

Reena was deciding what to wear after that hot bath. Rocky was on his phone. She finally took her night suit out only to be stop by Rocky.
The time Rocky inform her about that so called friend being hurt, she was upset and angry. She pushed him and told him she will be at her father's home.

"Your punishment is still left and you are making me more angry." Rocky spat. "He needs to learn the lesson, no one is allowed to touch what's mine."
"Ok, let's start with you punishment. Easy one for starter." He looked inside her wardrobe, and pick the sexiest night dress. "Seduce me."

"After pissing me off. He wants me to seduce him." She thought to herself.

"Now." Rocky Change the lighting. She huffed and and turned her back on him, ignoring his order.

He get hold of her hand, "you are being very bad girl today. Look like i have to take the charge."

He throws her on the bed.  "Rock-"  he didn't let her complete and smooches her hard, showing his anger. She tried pushing him at first but then give up as it's of no use. His tounge effortlessly dominating. He bruises her side of plum lips by biting. He throws her robe somewhere and gaze at her raw beauty. He is never full of her. He showered kisses on her. Reena couldn't do anything other than moaning his name. Turning her on and then on giving what she want. Yes, she hated it and it's her punishment. He repeated it several time in the night. When Reena almost cried, he give in and give what she wanted. His punishment was as long the night was.

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