YR ~College Romance~

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Request by _inu_21

"Yuva, Avni is creating a problem in raising fund." Nandu one of Yuva's friend inform him with much distaste.
Yuva looks at him like he said something unusual.
Yuva is last year student famous in entire college for his straight forwardness, rowdyism and handsome personality.

He is much talked about among girls as well

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He is much talked about among girls as well. His attitude, style, lengthly hair, beard everything. Other reason he is known best for is his relationship with Avni, one the topper and most beautiful girl in college.

 Other reason he is known best for is his relationship with Avni, one the topper and most beautiful girl in college

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Avni is sweet, beautiful and mature girl. Other than her marks she famous for infamous fights with Yuva. She didn't like the attitude he throws. For Yuva if she didn't like his attitude it's her problem and she should keep it with her only.

Right now the biggest problem is that they were assigned a project together for history. Yuva even tried to change his partner but it won't work out.

"Yuva Bhai. She is coming here only." Yuva was sitting on his bike, turns his head. Avni was marching towards him only.
"We both unfortunately struck with each other." Avni started.

"Hmmm." He hums.

"So let's decide where and how are we going to start it tomorow." Avni calmly told him.

"Tomorrow... But we have to submit it after 25 days approx. Why so early." Yuva hardly did his assignments himself but this time he was struck that too with a partner who won't like his way of completing it.

"We have to go several museums, temples and pics, then writing work. Only 25 days we have. May be out of state as well. So it's better if we start early." The topper Avni needs full marks like every time.

"Are you out of your mind. Out of state for a assignment." Yuva laughs. "Just google it, and i will get some pics and even information. Don't worry."

Avni glares him like he has grown two heads. "I don't cheat. We are doing it my way."

"Ohhh... Your way. I don't even instructions on the fire cracker box and you want me to follow your way. Miss topper, partner means two person/minds in a project. I am not going out of state." Yuva steps down from bike.

"Let's not talk about mind here." She mocks and left from there.
It's not there first war of words. Everytime they argue over different topics.

Same day he saw Avni in nearby temple. She was clicking pics. He rolls his eyes.

"We pray in temple." Avni turns to a familiar voice.

"What's your problem. You don't want to help and didn't want me to do the work as well."

"Will you put my name on it with you."

"No.. i am doing it alone."


"Yuva..." A lady in mid thirties called him. She came to them.
She looks at them one by one.
"Amma, collegemate, we have to do project together."

She greets his mother. "It's partner but look likes i have to do it alone."

"Why... How will you pass if you don't do project. She is so hardworking. Do project with her." Amma scolds Yuva eho was scowls at Avni.

"Aree, for project she want to go out of state. I won't go." Yuva complains like a kid.

"Fine. I won't. But still i won't cheat and not use Google but OUR own notes." Avni said.

"Good girl. His mother praise Avni." Now how can he say no to her. He agrees.

Beginning was tough. It looks its Who does it better compitition. They argue over everything thing. What sheet to use, how to start, how to click, where to sit. Soon they start mixing up. Understanding each other a little. Avni understand he might have attitude but it's not a problem and he is not a bad guy. Yuva is actually the first guy whom she has talked that much.

While coming back from one of their trip to museum, his bike got puncture. Middle of the road, late night. Avni was scared. Yuva can clearly see.
"I have called my friend. He is coming. My house is near only. We will go there for now." She nodded.
She was getting sleepy. Sitting on the wall, she rest her head on his leg.

He looks up in sky

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He looks up in sky. Thanking his stars today. Yuva also started liking her as he knows her better now. She thought of her as selfless nerd. But she ain't selfish just a beautiful bookworm.
The assignment gave them partner to have company for rest of their lives.

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