RR ~Mistress~

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Since many of you Requested for mistress. You made me think about mistress as a story. I will but not now, i have 3books currently apart from my life outside Wattpad. This is last chapter of mistress series.

Reena and Rocky were back from where they began. What Rocky did hurt her deeply. Though earlier she is used to his such acts but there was a hope for her, for them, which was once again destroyed.
Currently she was watching Farhan and her girlfriend are sweetly arguing. Rocky was busy telling Vanaram and other workers about the mines and it's work. She moved a little for reason but her blouse got stuck in something and her strings loosen. Two even broke, giving more view of her milky soft back. Rocky saw it and told malamma to give her a duppata/veil to cover. Malamma whisper in her ear and give her the veil. She side eyes her and told she will go and change something in her clothes only. She told this to malamma but Rocky heard her.

"What did you said downstairs?" Rocky ask throwing cigarette butt in dustbin.

Reena avoid eye contact with him. "Nothing, i was just being alert."

"You made a mistake and got it's lesson." Rocky sneered.

"I remember the lesson." Reena was now more upset. He still call her mistake without knowing her intention. She knows how important Aisha is for him but she wear her dress unknowingly.

"Looks like I gave you too much freedom." Reena's answer amazed him. She nevere talk back to him.

"You can't go inside.... Stop....stop..." Rocky heard the gaurds. Their guns were aimed at the man who forcefully stand at entrance of the room. As he put his foot inside, one of the gaurd shoot his leg, shouting, "Stop."

That man groaned in pain. "You son of a bastard."

"They did what they are supposed to do. Good work. Next time, here, listen to the instructions before it's too late." Rocky pats at gaurd admiring there work.

Rocky along with the 'guest' moves to the main hall.
"So why are you in that hurry. Your bride is running away with someone."

"Rocky, you killed my father." Ashish talk once is breathe got normal. His wound is still open amd untreated. Walking inside Rocky's room where his woman stays is basically suicide.

"I have killed many fathers, be specific." Rocky stated the obvious.

Ashish shows him father's Id. One of the jweller who buy gold from Rocky. He tries to double cross him but who can outsmart Rocky.

"Business has rules to be followed. He wasn't a good follower. Are you?" Ashish gets his words. He is offering business. Ashish nods positively.
His foot is being treated.

"By the way, nobody is allowed in your room. It's security issues or that lady." Ashish smirk.

Rocky closes his eyes. May be the father is calling his son.

"It's fair. She needed protection. Any man would want her. But she doesn't look happy with you. May be she love someone else. Just imagine she left you and be with"- His words muffled. Rocky took some steps back. Ashish look down, a sharp knife Peirced in his chest.

"Tell you are blessed to meet me once you meet your father in hell." Rocky order to dispose the body off. But his question struck in his mind. Did she ever love some. He just took her by force.

That night Rocky's mind was occupied with the same question.
"I abduct you, compel you to stay with me, took your virginity." Reena has no clue where is he going with all this. Rocky said each word slowly and carefully. "You must have hated me.... atleast in the beginning.... Must wanted to be in safe arms." Reena still clueless. "Whose arms.." Now she face him. "Who is the man you wanted in your life or may be still wants. You must be regretting, refusing my generous offer to leave kgf, right?" Rocky grins, making himself a peg.
Reena will never be able understand this man. From generous to monster to Sultan, he changes in moments.
She just nods negative. She didn't know what to say actually.
"Come on tell me. I will try best to not get angry. There has to be someone." That's a lie. He has come very far with her.

"Kamal" Rocky stops in track. Once again Reena took him by shock.

"Kamal, hmm.." Rocky sat on sofa crossing his legs, like paying attention to her completely.

"Our father's were friends, so were we. He is nice guy. I knew him, his work so i guess i can spend my life with him." It's has been long that she thought of him. She was narrating about Kamal with a cute smile. She remembers him, after almost a year now. How he must have been? Did he hates her? Did he know what happened to her? If he met her today, will he thought of him as cheater or gold digger? How would he react knowing what Rocky did with her? Her last thought dazed her out of thoughts. Rocky. She turns slowly. His eyes throwing daggers at her. She gulp down. He notice her losing in someone else trance. The seriousness on his face the room heavy.

"Youonlystartedit." Reena said in one go.

"And i am going to end it." He replied.

"He is innocent. Don't do anything to him." Reena was scared. She unknowingly might have put Kamal's life in danger.
Her defence made Rocky more angry.

"Why are you this angry?" She composed herself. Look like Rocky encountering a new Reena today. "It's not like you love me, so no point of jealousy here. As far as physical relation, you know that i am always on your bed." Rocky marched towards her. Keeping his finger, telling her not test the patience. "You didn't let me even explain, that the maid must have put your Aisha's dress in my cupboard and unintentionally i wore it. Not to take her place. Not to be like her. If you can keep her between us, why can't I?" Her already swollen eyes tears up. "Let me Clear your head, Aisha in your heart, Reena on your bed."

"Reena ka sab kuch mera hai." He yelled making her step back.

(Everything about Reena belongs to me.)

"You... can't.think.of.anyone.else." He warned her. "All of you belongs to me. I don't remember Aisha when I am with you. You make me forget everything. Watching you wearing her clothes reminded of her. You make me feel guilty. My ego doesn't let me feel guilt alone, so I gave you one as well. We are very much together in everything." He lightly smirk. Reena covered the few steps distance, hugging him. He just said he loves her without actually saying it.

He engulfs her

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He engulfs her. Finally the monster found his beauty for real. Reena is no longer a mistress but his queen now. Rocky now on won't leave a chance to show how much he cares his queen.

Beauty and The Monster //KGF Series//Where stories live. Discover now