You are mine- p2

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Ananya's father came back after a walk. He couldn't stand the environment in house. It was too much to handle. His daughter with that Rocky, who is crazy and kills people for money. He asked his wife about Ananya, she remains quite.

He ask again, now knowing what silence mean. His angerjust get three folds. He knocks on Rocky's door harshly. His father looks at Rocky having his dinner. Rocky was just in his black pj.
"Ana--" His father looks around for her daughter. He didn't want to believe what he saw. Ananya was lying on his bed, in his shirt. She was asleep but her back facing them. Rocky was unfazed, he kept the utensils in a corner.

"Kuch aur chaiye" she asked turning back.
(You need anything)
She stood froze. She buttons up the opens one tried covering her naked legs. Her father was raging. "Ab kis baat ki sharam."
He grabs her hand to take her out, again Rocky pulls her towards himself.
(Why are ashamed now?)

"Tumse kuch behas nahi chahta. Ananya chalo yahan se."
(I don't want to argue. Ananya come with me.)

"Kahin nahi jayegi woh."
(She won't go anywhere)

"Ananya... Ananya... If you don't come right now, i promise, you won't even see our dead faces."

"Baba, i don't want you to know like this. But I love Rocky."

Without looking at her again he left from there.

Ananya clung on to Rocky who engulfed her.

Next morning, she tried talking to her parents. But she saw a lock on her door. They left her.
She couldn't stop herself from crying. Rocky came there, he inferred what happened.

"I have a job in Bangalore, go and get ready. You are coming with me." He told Ananya, who nods crying.

Beauty and The Monster //KGF Series//Where stories live. Discover now