Chapter 1: Welcome to Mystic Falls, Virginia

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tw: mentions of suicide attempts and depression

Mystic Falls, Virginia

I read the sign as Bonnie drives past it as we head into town. "It'll be good for you here." She says, looking over at me in the passenger seat. "Not like I had a choice," I respond, staring at the trees. "KJ, I know you didn't want to leave but Dad said you were having a rough time back in Boston."

"Rough time as in I OD'ed and almost died?" Bonnie presses her lips together and I slump down in my seat. I start biting the inside of my cheek before speaking again. "Bonnie, my brain was in shambles. I was so overwhelmed with not failing and making sure everyone around me was okay and I neglected myself. I was so far gone and I felt like a burden to everyone around me. Even though it felt selfish of me to want some type of release, I thought I would be better off if I wasn't here anymore. I was in the hospital for months and I still managed to pass the school year. I was so terrified of what was going to happen I couldn't sleep. So I did what I normally do and work."

Bonnie sighs and puts her hand over mine that's resting on the middle console. "I'm here for you, KJ. And you will never be a burden." I shake my head and pull my hand away. "You're saying that as you drove an hour to pick me up from the train station. And you're gonna be stuck babysitting me until I'm no longer a danger to myself." I cross my arms over my chest and pull my hood over my braids before closing my eyes.


"Elena, you remember my little cousin KJ. KJ, Elena but a little older." She smiles small at me, probably a little on edge because she'd hasn't heard from me in a while. Bonnie and I are close but it's hard to talk about your favorite cousin when they've been in the hospital for 3 months. Elena has long brown hair and almond-shaped eyes that seem warm when she smiles. She has a petite frame but strong arms and long slender fingers like mine. "Nice to meet you, KJ. Come on in."

I step over the threshold of the door and see a slightly older woman come down the hall. She has the same kind eyes as Elena but she has almost ginger hair and a bit taller frame. "KJ, this is my aunt Jenna. Jenna, this is Bonnie's younger cousin, KJ." She smiles and extends her hand. "Nice to meet you KJ." I smile small back and tuck my hands into my jeans.

My baggy ripped jeans fall off my hips just so. The band of my boy shorts is visible only if I take my hoodie off. I'm wearing a black long-sleeved crop top but you can't tell because of my massive Carhartt. It was one of my dad's shoveling jackets but he gave it to me because it shrank. It's navy blue and is just the perfect amount of baggy on me. My black high-top converse are scuffed beyond repair and I have my hair in a rushed bun but my singles are still freshly done.

"Well KJ, make yourself at home. Elena's gonna show you the guest bedroom upstairs and help you get settled in, okay?" Jenna says. I nod and pick up my duffel bags. Bonnie reaches her hand out to me and holds it. "I'll be back before you know it and you'll be able to stay at Grams, okay?" I nod and she smiles and slowly lets my hand go before walking out the door. I follow Elena up the stairs. "The bathroom is here, as soon as you come up the stairs. Jenna's room is all the way down on the left and mine is that second door. The guest room is here with an adjoining door to the bathroom. And my brother's room is the last door on the right." I nod and she opens the guest room door. "Most of the time Jeremy has his headphones in so if you have a question, my door's always open."

I nod and nudge the door open with my hip, putting my bags down at the end of the bed. "Well, here's to starting over," I mutter to myself before starting to unpack.

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