Chapter 1

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Setting: Merrywood Park, behind Rootworth Library

Sonic: Hey, great job out there little guy! You are improving with every mission.

Tails's face is to the ground, his feet shuffling along the path.

Tails: Thanks Sonic.

Sonic: You okay Tails? Is something wrong?

Tails: Nope! Everything's perfectly fine Sonic, don't worry!

Tails blushed, thinking of how much Sonic really cares about him.

Sonic: Okay... If you're sure.

There is an awkward silence between the two friends. Sonic looks over at Tails. He can tell something is bothering his two tailed buddy, but he's not sure what.

Sonic: Well Tails, you seem down. Let's distract you, okay?

Tails: Al- Alright.

Tails looks up at Sonic, still blushing.

Sonic: Oh, I get it.

Tails: Oh no, does he know that I like him?

Sonic: You have a fever, don't you? Your face is red as hell, and you seem tired. Do you want to head home?

Tails: No, I want to stay here. With you...

His face turns even more red as Tails mutters the last sentence.

Sonic: What? Sorry little guy, I didn't hear you.

Tails: O-Oh! Nothing! Just that...

He pauses for a second, trying to think.

Tails: Just that I wanted to get a new book from the library!

Sonic: Oh! Alright, let's head there! I'll pick out a book too.

A sigh of relief comes from Tails, grateful his secret wasn't spilled.

Setting: Isle 52, Rootworth Library

Sonic: Are you done Tails? You've been staring at that book for 5 minutes. We're supposed to check the books out, not read them, dumbass.

Sonic hits Tails arm playfully.

Tails: Right, my bad.

Tails closes the book and grabs the book next to where he grabbed the first one from.

Tails: Alright, I have the books I want Sonic.

Sonic looks at the books and a smirk crosses his face.

Sonic: Tails, what kind of books are those? Are you really sure these are the books you want?

It was a look and seek book, where you found little things hidden in pictures. Tails blushed, embarrassed. These were the kind of books that entertained him.

Sonic: Tails?

Tails looks up, losing his train of thought.

Tails: Ah sorry, my bad. I spaced out again.

Sonic: Again? How many time have you spaced out little guy?

Tails stopped blushing, and started being his normal self.

Tails: Too many times to count. Either way Sonic, don't judge a book by it's cover.

Sonic: Huh? Do you mean the book? Or you? I'm confused.

Tails: Hmmm. Let's say both.

Tails turned around, leaving to go to the check out desk. As he walked away, Sonic couldn't help but stare at his tails as they flowed side to side.

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