Chapter 6

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Setting: Tails House

Tails POV: Aw shit. I fucked up.

Sonic: Oh shit...

Amy: *gasp* I KNEW YOU DID! EEEEE! Who is it????

Tails: That's two questions, Amy.

Amy: Hmph. I'll get you to answer somehow.

Tails: Tough luck for you. Truth or Dare.

Amy: Dare!

Tails: I dare you to play a different game.

Amy: What? That's not how it works...

Tails: Well either way, I'm bored. Why don't you, go hang with Cream or something.

Amy: Ugh fine.

Amy stood up and left. Tails then stood up too.

Tails: Come on out Sonic.

Sonic opened the door and came out.

Sonic: So, didn't go so well huh.

Tails: Yeah. Sorry, it's my fault.

Sonic: It's fine. I wouldn't mind if it got out anyway.

Tails started to look worried. He turned around, and went to the door.

Sonic: You okay?

Tails: Get out.

Sonic POV: H-huh?

Sonic: What...?

Tails: I'm sorry Sonic, I need time to think. Get out.

Sonic: Al-Alright.

Sonic walked out the door with his head down. Tails closed the door behind him.

Tails POV: Was that the right thing to do...? Why did I even do that... I let my problems get in the way. He didn't do anything wrong...

Tails sat down and leaned on the door. He could feel tears streaming down his cheeks.

Tails POV: I already screwed it up. I'm such a mess. I'll apologize to him tomorrow. But...

Tails sighed.

Tails POV: I just hope I can fix this. This is the first time I've loved someone. And I ruined it. Why did I have to do this. Why.


Tails cried for the rest of the night.

Setting: Sonic's house

Sonic POV: I hope it wasn't something I said. Did I- did I hurt him by saying something. I'll talk to him tomorrow. It's probably my fault anyway... I'm so bad at relationships, aren't I?

A knock on his door broke him from his thoughts.

Shadow: Sonic? You there?

Sonic wiped his tears.

Sonic: Coming.

He walked down the stairs to his door and opened it.

Sonic: Need something?

Shadow: Hey, look... I ran into Amy. She said Tails seemed troubled. So I decided to come see if you could do anything.

Sonic: No. I was already there.

Shadow: May I come inside?

Sonic: Sure.

They sat down on Sonic's couch, and there was a silence between them for a bit.

Shadow: Is everything alright?

Sonic: No... Nothing's alright. I'm so bad at everything I do.

Shadow: I can tell you're in pain. So... So please tell me. I can and will help.

Sonic explained how he had been at Sonic's house. He said how he must of said something that mad Tails super mad.

Sonic: I don't know what to do anymore... I've said this a lot... But it's true. I'm a mess. Thanks for coming over Shadow. I know you had a different reason, but I still appreciate it. Thank you.

Shadow: Of course. By the way you said that, I think you want to be alone now, so I'll leave.

Shadow stood up and left. Sonic then cried for another 30 minutes before going to bed.

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