Chapter 7

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Real quickly I want to say thanks for 100 views. I really appreciate it.
Now onto the story.

Setting: Tail's house

Tails POV: I should take a walk to the park.

Tails went to Merrywood Park and sat down on a bench. He looked around the park. Wildlife everywhere. Amy was play with Cream. (I don't ship them, I just think they're good friends!) Tails noticed something. He looked over at Knuckles and Shadow. He realized two things. Number one, they were holding hands.

Tails POV: Are they- in a relationship?

Number two, they were walking towards him. They sat down on the bench. And Knuckles settled his head into Shadow's chest.

Tails POV: Huh. That's something good to see after yesterday.

Shadow: Hey um Tails. Look. Something happened between you and Sonic. I can tell. It's obvious. Amy knows. She's told a lot of people.

Tails POV: Leave it to Amy to spread something like that to the whole world. Sigh...

Tails: Look Shadow. I appreciate you trying to help. It means a lot. But I'm not sure I'm ready. I did something bad, and it's mostly my fault.

Shadow: Whatever you did, I'm sure it was an accident. And I won't push you. But if you're ready, I'll be right here.

Tails: Thanks. I guess.

Shadow looks at Tails filled with dread. He looks at Knuckles. Somehow, he fell asleep. Shadow looks back at Tails, with a look so serious Tails gets a little nervous.

Shadow: You guys... You like each other, am I right?

Tails: Huhhhhhh??? What?? No, never!

Shadow: I can read you both like a book. You guys like each other, you are in a relationship, and...

Shadow pauses for a second.

Shadow: You and Sonic are a thing now, aren't you.

Tails got flustered and looked down.

Shadow: Am I right?

Tails: Y-yes...

Shadow: Look, if you don't want anyone to know, I can keep a secret. But I still don't understand why you're acting so strange.

Tails: Alright. I'll tell you.

Tails began explaining everything. From how Amy came to the house, to how he let his problems get the best of him and kick Sonic out. Shadow was nodding the whole way, listening and thinking of what to do.

Shadow: Mhm... Yep. Okay... What the-

As Tails was about to finish to when he had cried all night, Knuckles had subconsciously lifted his leg and placed if right on top of Shadow's thigh. Shadow immediately blushed like an idiot. He carefully lifted Knuckles leg, while Tails was trying his hardest not to explode of laughter.

Tails: Pfft.

Shadow: Oh shut up Tails.

Tails: Haha! Make me.

Shadow: Shut up before you wake Knuckles.

Tails: What if he's been up and decided to do that?

Shadow: W-What! He would never!

Tails: You surrre?

Shadow: Yes. Now buzz of Tails.

Tails: Haha. Someone's gayyyy.

Shadow: Yeah, you.

Tails: Whatttt? No! Hmph.

Shadow: Oh whatever.

Suddenly someone leaned over and kissed Shadow on the cheek. Shadow turned around.

Shadow: K-knuckles!? You were up?

Knuckles: No. I just woke up.

Shadow: Oh.

Knuckles: What's going on here?

Tails explained.

Knuckles: Dang. Never knew you were gay.

Tails: That's not the point.

Knuckles: And Tails? If you want some advice, go make it up to him.

Tails: What do you mean?

Knuckles: Just go talk to him. Apologize.

Tails: Yeah, you're right. Thanks Knuckles, Shadow. I'm gonna head there now.

Tails made his way to Sonic's house.

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