Chapter 16

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Setting: Eggman's base

Sonic grumbled as he woke up.

Sonic: Good morning Tails.

Tails opened his eyes.

Tails: Morning Blue.

Sonic: Blue? Seriously?

Tails: Yes, seriously.

Sonic sighed, as did Tails.

Tails: Sonic, we have an act to keep up. C'mon Blue.

Sonic: Fine, Tail.

Tails smiled and they got dressed.

Tails: Gotta say, I love these suits.

Sonic: I do not. These suck. They're so tight!

Tails looked up and burst out with laughter.

Sonic: What?

Tails: Oh Sonic, you have it on wrong!

Sonic: Wha-?

Tails laughed some more.

Tails: How do you manage to put it on, UPSIDE DOWN!?

Tails continued laughing.

Sonic blushes.

Sonic: Well then can you help me?

Tails: Fine.

After they were done, they walked out to greet Eggman.

Tails: Good morning, doctor.

Eggman: Morning, Menace. Devil.

Sonic: It thought his name was Tail.

Tails: It's Tailed Menace.

Sonic: Oh.

Sonic POV: I hate acting stupid, this is dumb. I need to save the others.

Sonic: Can we explore, sir?

Eggman: Yeah sure, go ahead.

Sonic ran away quickly, headed off to wear he saw Eggman take them. After a little bit of running, he found them.

Sonic: Hello, Amy.

Amy: Sonic?

Sonic: Right here. C'mon, we're getting you guys out.

Amy smiled.

Silver: Right behind you.

What Sonic didn't know was Eggman was watching in a nearby camera.

Eggman: Goddamn it! Why didn't it work! I need to get Tails before he leaves too. His technology will help me.

A little while later, Sonic and everyone was out.

Cream: Where's Tails?

Sonic: Should be just up ahead.

As everyone was running, Tails screamed out Stop.

Cream: Tails!!

She ran up and hugged him.

Tails pushed her down.

Tails: Only one person is allowed to hug me.

Sonic: Tails, that's touching, but we have to go.

Tails: Stop calling me that!

Tails toppled Sonic and they fought for a little bit.

Eggman chuckled from the side.

Eggman: I should get some popcorn.

Sonic: Tails! What in the world! I thought it didn't work on you!


Sonic: Please, tell me what's wrong!

Tails pupils turned to slits as he said the final word Sonic heard that day,

Tails: "You."

Tails knocked Sonic unconscious.

(Sorry it was so short lmao I wanted to end it here at the cliffhanger- ;-; )

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