Chapter 9

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There is drinking in this story. If uncomfortable, please don't read! Remember to drink responsibly.

Setting: The fancy restaurant

Server: Thank you for coming to our restaurant, your server will be with you shortly.

Tails: Thank you miss.

The server walked away.

Sonic: So? How'd the two love birds here meet?

Tails: Sonic, stop being so cocky.

Knuckles: You're chill.

Tails POV: Wtf-

Shadow: We were chilling in the park one day when I realized he was hot.

Tails: Hahaha! Sorry, Sorry...

Sonic: Is that- pfft. Is that really what happened?

Knuckles: Yeah. That was the day he confessed, this idiot.

Shadow: At least I'm not neon red.

Knuckles: I'm not even neon dumbass.

Sonic: Woah Knuckles, didn't know you swore.

Knuckles: I swear all the time, shut the fuck up.

Tails POV: *WHEEEEEZE-* I can't-

Server: Hello. What may I get you to drink?

Shadow: Just a water.

Knuckles: Lemonade.

Sonic: Just as sour as you.

Tails: Sonic.

Sonic: Fruit punch please.

Tails: Apple juice. Thank you.

Server: Coming right up.

Tails: Sonic! What the fuck was that!?

Knuckles: Lol.

Shadow: Did you seriously just say "lol"

Knuckles: Yeah.

Sonic: Wtf brooo...

Tails: Oh my lord. Calm down Sonic.

Sonic: Nah. I'm getting all my energy out so I won't be as drunk...!

Tails: That's not how it works. At least not with you. You're gonna be crazy now, then get drunk and be even crazier.

Sonic: Oh c'mon Tails. Let loose and live a little.

Tails: Sigh. I really can't say no to you.

Sonic: Fuck me.


Sonic: B-but you just said you cant say no to me...

Sonic looked at Tails, giving him the puppy doll eyes.

Tails: Oh my lord Sonic. Cut it out.

Knuckles: You two are gay as shit.

Shadow: I agree.

Sonic: I'm bisexual, shut your mouth.

Tails: Don't forget you're gay too.

Server: Here's your drinks. Are you ready to order?

Shadow: Yeah, I think.

Knuckles: I'm ready.

Sonic: You betcha!

Tails: Yeah.

All four of them order, eat, then leave to go to the bar.

Setting: At the bar


Tails: Welp. This is gonna be chaotic.

Shadow: As much as I agree, I also agree with Sonic. You should probably just have some fun.

Knuckles: They're right you know. I know me and Shadow will have some fun.

Knuckles looked over at Shadow and winked.

Tails: Get a room.

Knuckles: What? Not like we're doing anything.

Knuckles smirked.

Bar attendant: How can I help you?

Sonic: Anything. I don't care. As long as I get drunk.

Shadow: Honestly I really don't care either... What do you want Knuckles?

Knuckles: Nothing. I'm not drinking tonight.

~10 Minutes later~

Sonic: Cheetos are yummy. *Hic*

Tails POV: Wtf-

Shadow: Hey *Hic* Knuckles.

Knuckles: Yeah?

Shadow: What's the gayest?

Knuckles: Huh-

Shadow: The gays.

Sonic: HEE. HEEEEE. wOw. *Hic* You're so funnyy.

Tails: You two sure are weird when you're drunk.

Shadow: Whhaaat? No! *Hic* You're ugly!

Tails: When did I say that-?

Sonic: Three *Hic* years ago! You *Hic* jackass!

Knuckles: Okay. Well. I'm gonna take Shadow to one of the private rooms they have. Have fun with Sonic.

Tails: Yeah sure. What are you gonna do in there?

Knuckles: Don't worry about it. Just some gay shit.

Tails: Have fun then.

Knuckles: Oh I will.

Sonic: How dare you! You *Hic* wished death on me you *Hic* fool!!

Tails: Wtf...

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