Chapter 2

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Setting: Rootworth Library

Librarian: That'll be $10 for your two books, and $5 for yours.

Sonic hands the Librarian the money, while Tails fidgets with his pockets.

Tails POV: Shoot. I don't have enough money.

Sonic looks at Tails wondering what he's doing. He realizes that Tails doesn't have the money. The blue blur pulls $10 out of his wallet.

Sonic: Here you go ma'am.

Librarian: Thank you. Pleasure doing business with you. Your return date is next Tuesday. Have a nice day.

Tails looks up. He grabs his books, and walks out. Sonic expected a reaction from Tails, as his usual self would have said how Sonic didn't have to do that. But right now, Tails had his head down to the floor with his face extremely red. Sonic rushed after him.

Sonic: Tails are you sure you're okay?

Tails: Thank you so much for taking me to the Library. I'll see you next mission Sonic.

Tails dashed off. Sonic was starting to get worried. Tails never acted like this, was he okay? Sonic began to walk home. Was it something he had said?

Setting: Sonic's room

Sonic opened his book to the first page and started reading.

Sonic POV: Rune sure does seem a lot like tails. She's really bubbly and sweet.

In the book Sonic was reading, Rune was acting strange as well. It was almost as if whatever was happening to Rune was happening to Tails. Sonic was intrigued. He wanted to find out if something was wrong with Rune. If something was wrong with Tails. Sonic stayed up all night reading his book. At the very end, Rune was still acting strange, and the problem had not been stated. Sonic decided to go to sleep.

Sonic POV: In the morning I'm going to go the library to get the next one. I hope it's been released already.


Sonic: ugh.. What time is it...?

Sonic glances over at the clock. 8:37 A.M. He climbed down the ladder off his bunk bed. He sat at the desk underneath and started looking around for a pen and paper. He then began writing a note to Tails.

                 Dear Tails,

        Hey little guy. I wanted to send you this note because maybe your not comfortable talking about it in person. This way also prevents from you stuttering. But I was thinking last night. Did someone you know pass away? Something definitely wrong, I can tell. You're not your joyful, bubbly, self, and you always avoid the question when I ask if you're okay. So please, tell me what's wrong. I want to help. You mean the world to me, Tails. If you want to talk, meet me at the park as soon as your read this.


Sonic folded the note and shoved it into an envelope. He then ran to Tails house. Sonic knocked on the door, put it into Tails's mail, and ran off towards the library. He hoped his assumption was wrong, losing someone was never a good feeling, and he didn't want Tails to go through it. Unfortunately, when Sonic got to the library, it was closed.

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