Chapter 12

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Setting: Somewhere, Idk Really

Tails: What!?

Silver: Keep it down...

Tails: Who?

Silver: Mephiles.

Tails: Him!?

Silver: And Infinite.

Tails: ... Why?

Silver: You're asking me why I love someone.

Tails: Right. Sorry. Okay...

Silver POV: I never should have said anything. I'm so dumb, aren't I? Don't even think that question. It's an obvious statement. I am dumb...

Tails: I'm assuming you want it a secret, yes?

Silver was shocked.

Silver: You don't care?

Tails: As long as they make you happy and don't hurt you. I won't even mind if you turn to Eggman's side to be with them.

Silver ran over and hugged Tails.

Silver: Thank you so much! Yes, please keep it a secret though.

Tails: I got you. Now let's go. The others are waiting for us.

Silver: Sorry.

Tails: Not a problem. Let's go!

Silver and Tails came out back to where Sonic and Shadow were.

Tails: Where's Knuckles?

Shadow: What do you mean he's right behind me-?

Shadow turned around. Instead of Knuckles being there, it was another note. This one read:

You really are slow, aren't you. You don't even notice when some standing right behind you gets kidnapped. I should probably mention, I have Blaze and Cream too. Move faster, heroes!

Sonic: Damn it Eggman!

Shadow: This piece of shit!

Tails: Calm down!

Shadow: Can it Tails! This is yours and Silver's fault!

Sonic: Hey! Don't talk to him like that!

Sonic toppled Shadow.

Shadow: Get off of me! You know it's the truth!

Tails rushed over.

Tails: Stop! Stop fighting! Stop!

The fighting finally stopped when they heard Silver's scream.

Tails, Shadow, and Sonic: Silver!

They turned, expecting him to be kidnapped. But Silver was still there. He was crying. Tails ran over and hugged him.

Tails: I'm sorry Silver.

Silver gently pushed Tails away.

Silver: I'm already stressed enough about this! Sonic, get off of Shadow! Shadow, stop blaming people! It's all of our faults!

Everyone stood there, silent. Shadow finally broke the silence.

Shadow: I'm not apologizing. I'm going to get Knuckles.

Shadow pushed Sonic off him.

Tails: Wait-! Shadow no!

Shadow ran away towards Eggman's base.

Tails: Shadow!

Tails was infuriated. Not at Shadow. Not at Silver. Not at Eggman. At Sonic.

Tails: What the hell is your problem!?

Sonic was taken aback.

Sonic: Me!? You're mad at me!? I was just trying to defend you!

Tails: Well your "defending" is going to get Shadow fucking kidnapped!!

Silver: Guys! No!

Sonic: Shut the hell up Silver!

Tails: Don't fucking bring him into this Sonic!

Sonic: I'll bring him into this damn fight if I fucking want to bitch!

Tails: You're the fucking bitch here! You're ruder than fucking Eggman!

Silver watched from the side, horrified.

Silver POV: I caused this. This is all my fault...

Silver ran and ran and ran. He followed Shadow's path to hopefully catch up to him. Meanwhile, Tails and Sonic continued screaming at each other. Finally, Sonic realized he was gone.

Tails: Why the fuck would you attack Shadow, Sonic!? Answer the damn question!

Sonic: I've already fucking told you! And now, thanks to you, Silver's fucking gone!

Tails turned around.

Tails POV: Shit! God damn it.

Tails: I still blame you Sonic.

Sonic rolled his eyes.

Tails: I'm heading to Eggman's base. Follow me if you want to.

Tails flew off, leaving Sonic to stand there. After a few seconds, he fell to the floor. He stared into space for awhile.

Sonic POV: Are we really meant for each other? We can't even not fight for a week.

Sonic rushed off to Eggman's base, tears flying behind him.

Sonic POV: Whether I'm mad at Tails or not, I still need to help him.

Sonic ran along the path for less than a minute before something grabbed him from behind.

Eggman: I'm going to be honest, Sonic... I thought you would be the last one I kidnapped.

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