Chapter 18

914 13 49

Setting: Hospital

Tails: I-

Sonic: Tails?

Tails: Sonic!

Sonic: Tails!

Tails ran and jumped into Sonic's arm.

Tails: Sonic I'm so so sorry!!

Sonic: It's alright buddy, you weren't in your right mind.

The doctor came in.

Doctor: I guess you figured out the news for yourself.

Tails smiled.

Tails: Thank you so much for healing him.

Doctor: My pleasure. He's actually free to go, why don't you take him home.

Tails nodded.

Tails: Let's go, Love.

Sonic smiled.

With the help of Tails, Sonic made his way to the first house, Amy's.

Amy: Hello?

Tails: Hi Amy.

Amy: You seem very happy Tails, what lightened your mood?

Sonic: Am I just invisible or somethin'?

Amy: SONIC!?

Sonic: The one and only.

Amy rushed out the door and hugged him.

Amy: Can I-?

Sonic: Hell no.

Amy: Awwie.

Tails: Back off Amy, he's mine.

Tails said playfully.

Amy and Sonic laughed.

Sonic: Tails, you're one weird little buddy.

Tails: Excuse me?? I'm just making my claim.

Sonic laughed some more, while Amy's face looked to be drowned of blood.

Tails: Amy? You okay?

Sonic: You look like you've seen a ghost.

Amy: Are you two actually- Dating?

Sonic: Wait. Did we never actually make it official??

Tails: I don't remember. Too much has happened.

Sonic: Hold that thought. I'm gonna go get something.

Tails: Sonic, that's a terrible idea. You can't even walk by yourself yet.


Sonic: Whoa- calm down.

Tails: It's technically not official...


Tails: No! But we like each other.

Sonic: Yep.

Amy: Oh. I- okay.

Sonic: Amy I'm really sorry, I don't like girls. I never have.

Amy: Well that's pretty sexist if you ask me.

Tails cracked a smile, holding back laughter.

Sonic: Huh-

Amy and Tails burst out laughing.

Sonic: I didn't mean it that wayyy! I meant I'm GAY.

Tails: Kinda gay man.

Sonic: What? I am gay tho-

Amy and Tails continued laughing.

Amy: I'm crying! I'm crying!

Tails laughed some more.

Amy: Well, I fully support you. I just wasn't really expecting it.

Sonic: That's a full blown lie.

Amy: You caught me. I've been over you for a long time. But I do support you two. One thing.

Tails: Yeah?

Amy: When are they babies coming???

Sonic: Amyyyy!!

Tails: We're boys!

Amy: Yeah? Adoption centers exist! Plus you know what I mean.

Amy smirked.

Amy: Well I suppose you have other people to meet. Just tell me when it happens okay???

Sonic: Amyyy!

Amy laughed and closed the door.

Tails and Sonic went all around the little town meeting everyone, and telling them that they loved each other.

Blaze: Um. Okay? Good for you? I support? Cream help me!

Cream: Hello Sonic!

Knuckles: Such shocking news.

Shadow: Glad you're back faker.

Silver: You two are terrible at hiding secrets, unbelievable.

Rouge: Well. I never saw that coming.

In the end, everyone was happy to see Sonic and fully supported them. A week passed, and Sonic was fully healed.

Sonic: Hey Tails, I'm heading out!

Tails called from the kitchen.

Tails: Kay! Don't die!

Sonic: I won't! Love you!

Tails: Love you too!

Sonic ran to everyone's houses and gathered them for the plan he had. They all met at the fountain in the center of the town. Amy, Shadow, Cream, Blaze, Knuckles, Silver and Rouge. Sonic then ran and got flowers. He ran to Tails's house and knocked on the door. Tails opened.

Tails: You know the door's opened right?

Sonic: Put this on please.

Tails was handed a blindfold. He put it on.

Tails: So what's the surprise?

Sonic: You'll see.

Tails: If you say so.

Sonic brought Tails to the fountain, and took off the blindfold.

Sonic got down on his knee. He extended the flowers he had been carrying. Tails was shocked.

Sonic: Will you be my boyfriend?

Tails cried.

Tails: Sonic... Oh of course!

Tails and Sonic hugged as everyone around them cheered.

Amy and Blaze hugged.

Shadow and Knuckles cracked small smiles.

Silver and Cream jumped for joy.

Rouge applauded.

Sonic put a flower on Tails head, resting against his ear.

Sonic: I love you, Tails.

Tails: I love you too.

They kissed as more cheering came from the others.

After a lovely story, it has come to and end. Thank you so much for all the support with just one book. I started about one and a half months ago. I went from zero followers to thirteen. Over 100 votes, and 1.K views. 18 chapters. And now, it's done. Thank you everyone for making this journey awesome. Have a wonderful rest of your day.

Shout-outs to my followers!!!!

???: You really thought this was the end? Oh no, I'm back. And with a new henchman by my side.

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