Chapter 3

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Setting: The front of Rootworth Library

Sonic POV: Shit. I forgot that it's closed on Sundays. God damnit..

Welled up in frustration, Sonic doesn't notice the person running up to him.

Amy: Hello Sonic!

She lightly kisses Sonic on the cheek.

Sonic: Hello Amy.

Amy: Something wrong?

Sonic: I told you I don't like you. Please stop doing that.

Amy looks up at Sonic.

Amy: But why? I love you Sonic! Does your heart belong to someone else?

Sonic thought. Did he have feelings for someone? If so, then who? It wasn't Amy, so who was it? He went through his list of friends. Nope, he thought. But then he remembered Tails. This one took longer to decide. Tails had the kindest personality ever. And he was really cute. Maybe Sonic did like him. Amy looked at Sonic in confusion. Then her face lit up.

Amy: Oh my gosh, you do! You have a crush!! Ahh!! That's so cute!!

Sonic could feel himself getting red. It was probably true. He liked Tails.

Sonic POV: Oh geez. How did I only now notice I had a crush on Tails... Sigh. I doubt he likes me back though...

Amy: Who is it? Oh my gosh, I need to know. Rouge? I think she likes you Sonic, that's perfect! Oh my gosh! Or is it someone else? I don't know... I can't really picture you with any other girls. But then again, you with Rouge doesn't look the best either. I don't think you would be happy with her. Hmmm. Oh my gosh, wait. Are you gay?? Do you like Knuckles? Shadow? Tails? Sil-

Sonic immediately went red at the sound of Tails name, and Amy knew she had found the answer to her question.

Amy: Tails, huh?

Sonic: W-What? No! I don't like anyone. I don't have a crush. Dumbass.

Amy: Yeah sure dummy. I see the way you went red. The stuttering. It's very obvious.

Sonic: Oh fuck. Is it really that obvious?

Amy: Just- don't frick him too hard okay? He's sensitive.

Sonic went red.

Sonic: What the hell Amy!? He probably doesn't even like me, slow your roll!

Amy: Hah! You wish. Anywho, moving away from that. I'm gonna help you get Tails. I totally think you two would be cute. AGHHHH!!! Cuteness overload!

Sonic: What the fuck is wrong with you...

Amy: Everything. Now toodles, I'm off to see Knuckles. Good luck with the library dude.

Sonic: Thanks I guess. Bye Amy.

Amy turned away. Sonic went and continued into park, where he found Tails, holding the note he had gave him. He didn't expect him to actually come. Tails was sitting on bench, with a foggy look in his eyes, as if he was regretting coming here. Sonic walked over quickly, and sat down next to Tails before he left.

Sonic: So, what's up little bud? Nobody passed away, right?

Tails: N-no.

Sonic: So then what's wrong? Sorry if I'm pressuring you.

Tails: Sonic I-

He paused.

Tails: ...

Tails continued to remain silent.

Tails: Sonic can we go to my house? I don't feel comfortable saying it here.

Sonic: Sure of course bud.

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