Chapter 8

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Setting: Sonic's house

Tails knocked on the door. Sonic answered.

Sonic: Oh. Tails. Come on in.

They sat on the couch, quite. Finally, Tails spoke up.

Tails: I'm sorry Sonic...

Sonic: No, it was my fault.

Tails: Wh-What!? No! That was my fault!

Sonic: C'mon Tails. Be truthful. It was my fault!

Tails: Sonic it was my fault!!

Knuckles: C'mon now. Let's not fight over some bullshit like this.

Sonic and Tails turned to see Knuckles and Shadow standing in the living room.

Tails: How the hell did you get in-

Shadow: We wanted to ask if you wanted to go on a double date with us.

Sonic: What? I thought-

Tails: Don't worry Sonic. I know what I said.

Shadow: I figured it out.

Sonic stared in bewilderment.

Sonic: What.

There was an awkward silence in the room. Sonic spoke up.

Sonic: Number one. Did Tails tell you... Everything? Number two. You two are dating? Number THREE. HOW THE HELL. Did you get. In my house.

Knuckles: Yes to the first two.

Shadow: The door was unlocked.

Tails: Oops-

Sonic: Seriously Tails.

Tails: Hehehh...

Knuckles: So? You interested in coming with us you idiots?

Sonic: Sure I guess so... If you're fine with it Tails.

Tails: Yeah. That's fine with me.

Shadow: Perfect. We were thinking of going to a fancy restaurant then to a bar. Is that okay with you?

Tails: A fancy restaurant would be nice.

Sonic: I don't know why, but I love getting drunk. Let's go!

Knuckles: Chill down you fucking dumbass, it's not even 10 in the morning.

Sonic: Oh. Right. Heh.

Tails POV: He's such a dummy... Heh. But he's my dummy.

~The time of the date~

Tails: Damn Tails, you be looking finnnne~


Tails blushed.

Tails: N-no. Not frequently at least...

Tails looked up at Sonic. He was stunning. Of course, he looked like an idiot laughing the way he was.

Tails POV: As stupid as he is, I'm glad he's mine.

Tails: Let's go dumbass.

Sonic: Okay okay, I'm coming.

They walked over to Knuckle's house, where they said they would meet up. They knocked on the door.

Shadow: Go away. I'm busy.

Sonic: With what Shadow??

Shadow opened the door.

Shadow: C'mon in. Thought you were Rouge.

Sonic: Why Rouge?

Shadow: She knocks on my door every day.

Tails: This isn't your house...

Shadow: ...

Shadow: Oh yeah.

Sonic tried his hardest not to laugh.

Sonic: You're looking handsome my bro. Knuckles will die for you!

Tails: Must you be so dumb all the time.

Sonic: Why yes.

Knuckles: Get in here you idiots.

They walked in.

Tails: When are we leaving again?

Shadow: A few minutes.

Knuckles: We can leave now if we're ready.

Sonic: I've been ready!

Tails: Yep.

Shadow: Alright.

Sonic: Wheeee! Let's go!

Tails: Are you okay? You're not even drunk yet.

Sonic: No, I am not okay. Why do you ask?

Tails: Oh God. Nevermind.

Hello. Sorry if it seems I'm doing a lot of announcements, but I wanted to say anther thing. I will be changing the goal, because as for now, the goal is pretty hard. So, I will be changing the goal to 20 votes. We can do this! Please remember to follow if you're enjoying this! Have a good day/afternoon/night.

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