Chapter 5

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Setting: Tail's house; living room

Tails and Sonic were sitting in the living room relaxing when the doorbell rang.

Amy: Hey Tails! I need to talk to you!

Tails: Quick Sonic, hide!

Sonic rushed behind the kitchen counter. Tails got up, and walked to the door. He opened the door.

Amy: Is everything okay? I thought I heard yelling.

Tails: Everything's fine, c'mon in.

Amy walks in and Tails shuts the door behind her.

Tails POV: Please don't find Sonic...

Amy: I still can't believe how neat your house is.

Sonic looked around. He had missed that.

Tails: Thanks, I guess. So, what are you here for?

Amy: I just wanted to hang.

Tails: You said it was important...

Amy: It wasss! Hanging out is always important.

Amy walked over to the couch.

Amy: C'mon, please?

Tails: Sigh, fine. But can you get out for a second?

Amy: Uh, sure. I guess.

Amy walked out the door, confused.

Tails: Ok, um Sonic?

Sonic: Ya buddie?

Sonic stood up.

Tails: Will you be fine hanging out in my bedroom? I'll make sure she doesn't go in there.

Sonic: Sure buddie. Would you be okay if I read some of the books in your room?

Tails: Yeah that's fine. Don't want you getting bored.

Sonic walked off to Tail's bedroom, and closed the door. He found a book and started reading.

Tails: Amy, you can come back in.

Sonic realized he could hear them, so decided to put the book down and listen until he got bored.

Amy walked in.

Amy: What were you doing, hiding a body?

Tails: No, of course not, idiot.

Amy stuck out her tongue.

Amy: Yeah yeah, whatever. Hmph.

Tails: You're such a drama queen. Now, what do you want to do?

Amy: Truth or dare!

Sonic POV: She's definitely on to something. She's trying to find out if Tails likes me, I'm guessing.

Tails POV: She's gonna try to get me to confess my love for Sonic, huh.

Amy POV: Time to make him confess.

Tails: Alright. May I go first?

Amy: Sure, why not.

Tails: Truth or dare.

Amy: Dare! Duh.

Tails: Ok. Let's see. I dare you... Lick the floor.

Amy: What. Ewww.

Tails: A dare's a dare.

Amy: Ugh fine.

Amy leaned over and licked the floor.

Amy: Gross.

Tails: Heh heh.

Amy: Truth or dare.

Tails: Dare.

Amy POV: Ugh, this is harder than I thought.

Amy: Um... I dare you to give me hints on who your crush is.

Sonic POV: Did she really just-

Tails: What-?

Amy: Do it.

Tails: I don't have a crush.

Amy POV: It's a dare. So, he can lie. I'll get to the truth eventually.

Tails POV: This idiot-

Tails: Truth or dare.

Amy: Hm. Truth!

Tails: Tell me the reason you came here.

Amy: T-to hang out.

Tails cocked an eyebrow.

Tails POV: Yeah right. Well, if she can lie, than so can I, I guess.

Amy: Truth or dare.

Tails: Truth.

Amy POV: Yes!

Amy: Do you like anyone?

Tails: Yes.


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