Chapter 4

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Setting: Tails Bedroom

Sonic: So what is it Buddy?

Tails: I- I like you Sonic!

Sonic: Wh-What?

Sonic blushed.

Sonic: I- Like you too...

Tails: No, not like that. I like like you.

Sonic: Tails... I love you. I knew what you meant.

Tails was surprised.

Tails: You, you really like me?

Sonic: Yes. Want to cuddle for a bit?

Tails: Yes. I would love that.

Sonic and Tails lay there, cuddling.

Tails: Sonic, what will the others think?

Sonic: Well, Amy knew I liked you. But we can just pretend that I still haven't told you. We can hide our love, if you feel uncomfortable.

Tails: Thank you Sonic. I'm just not sure yet if I should tell people or keep it our little secret.

Sonic: Of course Tailsy.

Tails: Tailsy?

Sonic: I don't know. Just a nickname I though of. You like it? Or want me to keep calling you Tails?

Tails: I don't really like it... But I liked your old nickname, buddie, if you don't mind calling me that.

Sonic: That works for me, buddie.

Tails smiled and burrowed his head into Sonic's chest. Sonic kissed him on the top of the head. He carried him to the living room, and turned on a movie.

Sonic: What do you wanna watch?

Tails: Some stupid cartoons. I really just need a laugh, you know?

Sonic: Relatable.

Sonic picked a cartoon and they watched it, laughing all the way.

~In the morning~

Cartoon: KABOOM

Tails woke up with a start.

Tails POV: Did I fall asleep? Was it a dream? What's going on...

Tails turned his head and say Sonic laying there.

Tails POV: So not a dream. I'm really with Sonic.

Sonic wakes up and kisses Tails. Tails is surprised, but kisses back. Sonic stops.

Tails: Is something wrong?

Sonic: N-no. Just... Are you sure?

Tails: Of course! This is the reason why I was acting strange Sonic! I liked you. The reason I bought those books. I liked to fantasize about us... I was nervous to be around you... I'm sorry if I caused you problems.

Sonic looked grateful.

Sonic: Hey Tails, don't be so down in the dumps. It worked out, didn't it?

Tails: Yeah I guess so. Thanks Sonic.

Sonic: No problem buddie. Now let's turn off these cartoons.

Sonic reached for the remote and turned off the TV. He stood up, and extended a hand for Tails. Tails took it and got up.

Sonic: Let's go eat breakfast, I'm starving.

Tails: Sounds good.

They went into the kitchen and Tails went rummaging for some eggs, bacon, hash browns, and some salt and pepper.

Tails: Got to have a fancy breakfast to celebrate us!

Sonic: Tails, you are a strange person.

Tails: But you love that about me!

Sonic chuckled.

Sonic: You're right, I do. You win.

Tails and Sonic began making the food, and in little time, it was ready. The smell filled the room. The brought the food to the table and began eating.

Tails: Sonic, I never knew you were such a good cook!

Sonic: Haha! I may not cook a lot, but I can still cook! You are better than me though.

Tails: Thanks Sonic!

After they finished eating, they went to the library again. Now, it was open. Sonic got the next few books in his series he was reading, and Tails got more "weird" books as Sonic referred to them as. They checked them out, and went to go read in the park. The day was beautiful. The sun was shining, and the temperature was just right. Tails gazed off into the sun.

Tails: I love you Sonic.

Sonic: I love you too buddie.

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