Chapter 3

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-Should we wake them up?

-They seem to be having a good time.

-What...? -I opened my eyes and I was immediately met with the faces of the group of Vikings looking at me.

I flinched at the scary sight in front of me, but something was holding my arm. I looked at my side and found the blond Viking, still sleeping, grabbing my arm as if his life depended on it. I felt my face go red and looked at the group of dragon riders, not knowing what to do. They all gave me funny looks, but seeing how I was kind of freaking out, Ruffnut decided to wake up her brother by throwing chicken at him. The animal immediatly started pecking him, and he woke up and let go of my arm. Once he got rid off chicken, he looked around.

-What are you guys looking at? Was I talking in my sleep again?

The group just answered with a bunch of sounds to avoid telling him and I stayed quiet, calming myself down.

-Yeah yeah, now let's go have breakfast.

Both twins went to their dragons, as well as the riders, but I stayed on the ground, still waking up.

-Uh, are ya coming? -asked Tuff.

-I want to change clothes first, then I'll meet you guys there. Tho for that I'd need clothes... Alright, I'll get clothes first and then I'll change.

-I can lend you some of mine, don't worry. -said Heather- Come on, let's go to Astrid's hut and you can change there.

-Thanks, Heather. Come on big boy, let's go.

I got on top of Boreas and followed the black-haired girl on her dragon. We flew towards the blue hut, both dragons flying quickly. Once we got there, Heather showed me the clothes she didn't use anymore. It was all... battle armour. Even her normal clothes resembled armour. But it was either that or nothing. I took one of her tops and put it on, without the metal part, and took some of her old pants with a skirt that apparently was Astrid's. I also put my cape around my back and shoulders.

-Thanks, I didn't have time to get my clothes from the cave before, well, you know -I said while changing.

-This is the least I can do. Besides, I was going to get rid of some of this old stuff anyway, better to give it to you.

-Well, at least it fits. But it feels weird to wear something that isn't mine. -I turned around to the girl- How do I look?

-Great. I think that outfit compliments you more than I. I bought it for a special occasion but I never got the opportunity to use it.

-Was it because of a certain nerdy Viking?


-What else is new besides the so edgy and furious Heather being in lo-

-Don't you dare finish that sentence.

-Alright, alright. But what have I missed?

-Well, we are in a war with dragon hunters, I discovered my long lost brother is Dagur, and I got almost killed while being a mole in the hunters' group. You?

-Jeez, don't have to make it a competition. Let's see... Parents still dead, sank some ships, and... Oh yeah, got my house destroyed. Never been better.

We both laughed together and decided to go to the arena, where everyone else was, ready for training. There were a few arms around, a mace, a sword, bow and arrow... You name it. The riders were standing there with their dragons, waiting for us, and I felt a bit self conscious. I knew I was the new thing of the island, but I felt like I was being watched at all times. We landed in the middle of the arena, and I looked at Heather, who gave me a comforting smile.

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