Chapter 14

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-A bit more to the left!

-No no no, to the right!

-There! Don't move it! Perfect!

The twins smiled as the sign was finally placed. It said their names, and there was a drawing I did of Barch and Belch heads on each side. Fishlegs and I hung it in front of the clubhouse, and the twins bonked their heads against each other. Boreas put some icicles on the bottom of the wood panel to make it look better, and we flew down.

-So? Good enough for the birthday twins?

-Well, if you could move it a tiiiiiiny bit to the-

I gave a glare at the boy and he shut up.

-I mean, it's perfect, yeah.

-Now, onto the birthday food!

Ruff walked towards the storehouse we had, followed by Tuff, and I rolled my eyes. The next day it was going to be their 19th birthday, and they demanded a perfect party. Fishlegs was usually the one who helped with the decorations and such, even if the others also did their best to help, but this time he begged me to help him. The twins could be quite hard to please, so the more people helping him, the less he would suffer their demands. Besides, Tuff tended to be a bit less exigent with me around.

I yawned as Boreas followed them, feeling pretty tired. That night I hadn't been able to sleep too much. As well as the night before that one, and the night before. Courtesy of my brain not being too much of a help with my new projects.

-Alex, do you have the food list? -asked Fishlegs.

-Oh, yeah. Let's see... Heather, Ruff, Hiccup, and you want fish, and Astrid, Snotlout, Tuff, and I meat, so that makes... Four fish and two boars more or less, we can always use whatever we get left on other days.

-Yes, that should be enough. What about the dessert?

-Snotlout promised to take care of it.

-He did?

-I told him I would throw him in the volcano if he didn't -I said while looking at the papers in my hands. There, Fishlegs and I had written down everything for the party.


-He has enough ingredients, so it should be fine.

-Hm, I guess this fish will do. -said Ruff as they checked the storehouse- And we got enough meat too.

-Good, don't have to worry about hunting then... -I said, yawning again.

-Are you sure you are fine, Crow?

-Sí, sí, no te preocupes. Ahora...

I saw they looked at me with a weird face, and I returned the look, confused.


-You are mixing languages again.

That usually happened to me when I was too tired, too drunk, or had too many thoughts in my head. Gods why couldn't it have been the second one.

-Γαμώτο. I mean, shit. Ugh, it's okay, I'm fine. Just, a bit tired. Didn't get too much sleep last night either.

Fishlegs looked at Tuff and he put his hand up.

-Don't look at me, I was with Ruff and Chicken last night.

-Nothing serious, it'll go away. In the meantime, I think we are done here. Heather si occuperà della cucina, Snotlout il dessert, le decorazioni di Fishlegs, e Astrid e Hiccup porteranno alcune cose che ci servono ancora per i draghi...

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