A different beginning...

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I grabbed a mug of beer and drank as laughter and joy filled the little tavern. It was the last round of the day, as it had gotten pretty late already and we all had things to do the next morning. But I wanted to enjoy the drinks and the easy-going ambience as much as I could.

-Okay ladies, who wants one last song for the night from yours truly? -I said, picking up my lute after finishing my mug.

The tavern roared with cheers and I didn't make my public wait. I started playing and singing, as the very much drunk hunters tried to follow the lyrics and rhythm, yet failed miserably. I jumped off the little scenario to sing and dance with them, and they all put their mugs in the air as I danced around. I was in my element. I moved around and left the lute on the stage, but still singing, so I could join the men on their incredibly clumsy dancing. And also to trade a bag of gold and a dagger some of the new guys had for a piece of coal and a shell. Everyone knew better than to bring shiny things to my tavern, yet they never learnt. Which was amazing for me. I wasn’t a scummy thief or anything like that, I was a trader, just like my parents were before me. I just prefered to do transactions on my own. I take something and change it for something of equal value to me. The only messy part of being a trader was actually having to talk with people, after all. That shell was just as pretty and probably as sharp as that dagger, and coal would be more useful than gold on a cold night. A very fair trade indeed.
I grabbed a random mug, still full of beer, and jumped on top of a table as I finished the song. Everyone cheered and I drank in one go the drink from the random mug, and laughter filled the place once again.


But then, we heard it. Someone cleared their throat at the door of the tavern, but it was a noise far too loud and familiar to ignore. Everyone shut up immediately, and they avoided the gaze of the man standing there. His hands were behind his back, as usual, and he held a cold look to everyone in the room.

-Everyone. Out.

The men didn't need to listen twice. They all made their way out of the tavern, even those who were unconscious from the alcohol were grabbed by friends or strangers to take them outside. I sighed and jumped off the table onto the sticky floor as my boss closed the door once everyone but the two of us had left my tavern.

-I thought we had a deal, dear. I gave you a tavern as long as your shows and drinks followed my rules. One of which, if I recall correctly, was setting a curfew that you just ignored. Again.

-Come on, it isn't that late, I just finished singing my last song. I was about to send them to their tents.

-I'm sure you were -he said with sarcasm.

-Besides, we both know your men have been working better than ever since we built this little paradise. I told ya, happy troops mean efficient troops.

-I'm not quite sure I would call this place a paradise -he said, looking around and seeing how I cleaned up the tables and mugs. It was true my establishment had seen better days, but it wasn't that bad.

-Aw, don't be mean. That's because you've never been to one of my shows. When your hunters come in, they are immediately happy and forget about everything else.

-Yes, alcohol tends to change one's mind for the worse.

-Oh, it isn't just the alcohol my friend, but a humble servant such as myself -I said in a friendly tone.

-I don't know about that "humble" part.

-And let's not forget, -I continued, ignoring him and putting the now clean mugs in their place- I did as you asked. One of the guys is selling some dragon skin around behind your back.

The trader and the riderWhere stories live. Discover now