Chapter 16

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-So how do you play this game again?

-Really easy, we start passing the ball of gas around, always fast. But when we have it we have to try to take off the piece of metal and make it blow up. You just gotta try it isn't your face -explained Tuff with a smile, pretty proud of himself for coming up with the game.

-Right. And are we sure it won't melt down our faces?

-Nah, we've filled them with just enough gas it won't kill us or hurt us too much. I think -answered Ruff, holding his brother's birthday gifts.

-Eh, what the hell, "I think" works for me. Let's go!

I grabbed one of the metal balls and played with it between my fingers as the twins looked at me with a mischievous smile. I smiled as well and passed it to Tuff with a strong and quick throw. He almost dropped it, but then he passed it to Ruff. I started to think about what to do once I got it again. I could probably manage to take the metal piece off without letting them know, but I'd have to be quick about it. As soon as the gas started to come out, we'd throw the thing at each other without mercy. We passed it around a bit more and in one swift movement I took the thing out. I passed it to Tuff, who didn't seem to notice, and he tossed it happily. But Ruffnut saw the green gas surrounding her as soon as she got the thing in her hands. She tossed it quickly in my direction, and instead of grabbing it, I hit it with my head in the twins' direction. Making it hit their helmets. And creating a spark. I covered myself with my cape as I heard the explosion and I smiled. It was true it wasn't as strong as the ones we were used to making, but when I looked at them after the big boom, they had their faces and part of their blonde hair black. I laughed at them, and as soon as they realized what had happened, they laughed with me as well.

-Fuck yeah, I took both of you at once.

-Best out of three?

I was about to agree, but Boreas and Barf and Belch flew down to meet us. We had let them go before so they were flying around and playing as the twins and I spent some time together. To be fair, that had been pretty much the routine lately. Since the incident with the submaripper, we were taking training far more seriously than before. And truthfully, maybe a bit too seriously. Hiccup and I were the ones that trained the most, we took any chance we got to go on a patrol, try new tactics, or whatever we could do. Just to feel as if we were doing something. To try and get better so Viggo and Ryker would never get away like that. But alas, we were pushing it too hard. I decided to take some days off after Boreas sprained his wing by going way too fast for too long, and I decided that all the days that I did train, I would at least spend my afternoons and nights with Tuff. I didn't want to make him feel like I was pushing him away again. Hiccup still trained just as much tho, the others had tried to talk to him so he would take it easy too, but he barely listened. And talking about the others... now people were warier around me, trying not to mention the dragon hunter's leader at all when I was in the same room. Things were also a bit awkward with Astrid. We weren't exactly on bad terms, but, me not following her orders last time and almost shooting the dragons attached to Viggo's boat had angered her, reasonably so. But I didn't apologize either. I thought my reaction was appropriate, and in the end, I did do what she wanted me to, so I didn't see why I had to say anything about it. And it was me and Tuff who saved Hiccup, yet we didn't get a thank you from her! But I wasn't salty about it. The situation would probably get better anyway. Heather was there for both of us as well, and she did her best at bringing us together.
I pet Boreas to calm him down so he knew I was okay, and the zippleback just chuckled with their owners. My dragon nuzzled his head against me in a way I knew too well by now, and I smiled.

-Guys, mind leaving it for later? Boreas is hungry.

-Sure. Hey, let's go to the clubhouse, I think there are some leftovers from yesterday.

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