Chapter 15

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-Oh! Shiny!

I ducked down as a mace almost hit my head and I stole the hunter's knife. It was really clean and the moonlight made it shine so beautifully. I stabbed his owner with it and decided to keep it as a souvenir. I heard another two hunters rushing toward me and I smiled. Oh, how I have missed hunting. I grabbed the now bloody dagger and another one from my belt and threw myself at them with a smile on my face.

Soon enough Hiccup made the final blow and we left the boat to sink. I yawned as we flew back to the Edge, where Snotlout, the twins, and Heather were sleeping. Lately, we had been taking turns attacking Viggo's ships as fast as we could. Every time we heard the news about some of their whereabouts, we would divide the group and go look for them, but always leave some people on the island just in case. Tonight was our turn, and sure enough, we did a good job. Besides, I got a new knife for my collection, and some gold I may or may not have traded before the boat sank.

-Everyone okay? -asked Hiccup once we were in the air together.

-Yep, not even a paper cut -I answered.

-All good here too.

-And here.

-Good. Let's hurry up then, we'll be able to sleep after all.

-I have to say guys, we are getting pretty good at this. We've taken out an important amount of boats pretty soon.

-Yeah, and those guys Dagur told us about for information didn't hurt either.

I wondered how the man was doing. Hiccup and Heather had found Dagur some time ago and had helped him free his dragon from the hunters. He disappeared after that, just like last time, but now we all knew he was alive. Part of me still felt guilty about helping him with the plan he made to stop us from flying into a trap, but knowing he was fine made me feel better.

Not too long after, we finally arrived home. I arrived at the rare sight that was my empty hut. Tuff and I decided to not sleep together whenever we had to go on a mission without the other, so we wouldn't bother each other by arriving late or needing more time to sleep. It felt weird using the bed if it wasn't with him, Chicken, and Ruff, so I didn't. Instead, I threw myself on Boreas back to sleep just like in the old times, right after changing into just Tuff's shirt. After so long, it still smelled like him. I loved it. Boreas purred softly as I cuddled him, and I closed my eyes to try to rest. I played with my bracelet as I calmed down and let my muscles relax after the fight, and I thought about how far I had come. Not only was I now a dragon rider, fighting against dangerous people in order to save dragons and peace, but I also grew up. I had friends who I loved like a family and even a partner that I loved with every inch of my body. I learned how to trust others and be a good friend, and I was closer to finding the man who took everything from me. And all because I trusted Boreas.

-Thank you for being right, big boy. Neither of us would be here if it wasn't for you.

Boreas growled softly, and I yawned. Tiredness didn't take long to take over us, and we soon fell asleep.

-Crow, are you up?

Tuffnut's voice woke me up. It didn't sound close like when he woke me up in the morning or I heard him talking with Chicken as he decided what to wear, but instead, I heard his voice coming from outside. I yawned and jumped off Boreas' bed as he also got up, and I opened the door. Sure enough, there he was with Ruff.

-I am now. What's up? Couldn't stand not seeing me?

-Yes, -he said with a smile. Then he quickly realized what he said and tried to fix it while his sister made a disgusted sound- I mean, no. I mean, Stoick is waiting for us, meeting in the clubhouse.

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