Chapter 8

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It had been a week since the Dagur incident.
I didn't read what the letter to Heather said out of respect, but she showed us a part that we all cared about: how to screw Viggo's plans. Dagur said he was going to do a dragon auction, so now it made sense why he wanted to catch so many dragons back on Snoggletog so suddenly. Even if he didn't get those, we were sure he had enough to get for himself mountains of gold, which would mean all dragons would be in danger. More hunters, more boats... He could build an empire. While Dagur didn't specify where he was holding this event, he said we would be able to find information if we dug deep enough. Hiccup suggested the Northern markets. Poor thing, he actually thought we'd get anything out of those places.

-Hiccup, going there and looking for clandestine information about a dragon hunting event, while being known dragon riders, is like putting a reward on our heads. I know more than a few places where I can find the kind of scum interested in these things, I can get the exact place's location within a week.

And that I did. Or at least I was about to. Trader Johan and I were in a tavern I knew about where all illegal activities were supported. Of course, you had to know how to fit in. I didn't wear any kind of armour and I put on some clothes that made me look more like a trader than a dragon rider. Tuffnut didn't like the idea too much, since I had to wear a short skirt along with maybe too much of a cleavage. But it was part of the plan. If you want to steal something quickly and without others' noticing, the first rule is to make them look away from your hands. That outfit would do the trick. And in case I found an option to trade, it also helped to have good looks.
I could have successfully stolen the map we were looking for myself, but alas, they thought bringing Johan with me would be better. In case I needed reinforcements. I looked at the tiny and scared trader and wondered how that man was supposed to defend me in case I needed it. We landed at the tavern, Hiccup was with Toothless outside, as well as Tuff and Boreas. He insisted he had to come and made it very clear I was not going anywhere like that without him around. At least I knew the outfit was enough when I caught him staring a few times during the flight.
We went in, and a strong smell of beer and other beverages hit me as soon as I stepped in. It smelled familiar so I put on a smile. We were going to get the information, no doubt. A bard was singing on a little scenario, waiting for coins, but he was mediocre at best. Johan and I looked around, and we found a table to sit on. First, we had to blend in. Then, get the map we knew was around.

-A magnificent place to find the best riches, don't you think Johan?

-W-well, miss Alex, I rather find my gold in other safer places, where I don't fear for my life -he answered, looking around too much.

-Such a shame. The best treasures are those hidden from the world. Too good to be legal. But every trader looks for different valuables. Now stop looking around, they don't like that here. Just follow my lead. We want to hear the conversations of those groups -I said, looking at a few groups of two or three. Those with more were here to have fun, and less than two meant either dangerous or drunk men. Sometimes both at the time- You stay here, if you hear anything come find me and say we've got a buyer. I'll go see what I find.

-As you wish.

I got up and walked around, searching for the most likely people to know where an illegal auction of dragons would be. The innkeeper usually had that information, but if I asked too many questions while being a nobody, we could get into a mess really soon. I spotted two men talking low between all the gentle chaos, and I put on my best smile. Time for a show.

-Pardon, would any of you be so kind as to help out a young trader like me? -I asked, putting myself before both of them. The accent always helped.

-We don't want your- -started one of them without looking at me, with black hair.

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