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Planet Jaemus Orbit

Above the planet known as Jaemus, a massive slaughter took place. It was well known around the galaxy that Outer Rim Worlds like this one seceded from the then Galactic Republic to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. Now that the war was over however, many Separatist worlds quickly found themselves alone and disorganized against a new government called the Galactic Empire that was hell bent on revenge for all the atrocities committed by them. And Jaemus was no exception.

What was thought by the natives to be a hard siege battle turned into a massacre as the Empire's new class of warships obliterated their aging Munificent-class frigates, Recusant-class light destroyers, and even a Lucrehulk-class command ship that stood no chance against the fleet of dedicated military ships that came to conquer.

Added to the fact that it was discovered that the planet was harboring one of its former enemies, a Jedi Knight, the Empire thought it best to send one of its best Jedi hunting forces to subjugate the world, with near success.

As the core of the Lucrehulk blew up and the enemy fleet was in shambles, a lone CR90 class corvette tried desperately to escape the carnage with it's high value passenger and a skeleton crew to operate it. Who were panicking about the destruction of their cover in a matter of minutes, including the captain.

Captain: "We need to get out of here now! That fleet is going to be on us any moment!" He shouted in fear as he saw the incoming Raiders, Ton Folks, Arquitens, and Imperial 1-class ships of the Empire.

But what really stood out was the massive warship that led the assault: the 4000 meter long command ship that made his people's former Lucrehulk seem puny. A Clone Wars-era Praetor-class battlecruiser used rarely by the Empire.

All ships, dedicated to wiping out any traces of Rebellion. That were now on an intercept course towards him and his ship.

??: "I understand your panic captain, but we must not allow our emotions to cloud our ability to command." A voice answered, the captain turning to see the Jedi that chose to hide on their planet. A human female with dark skin and dark hair in braids, wearing orange-yellowish robes of the Order that was now dead.

Captain: "That's easy for you to say, master Jedi! That fleet just took out our only means of cover in a matter of minutes! We need to get out of here now!" He rebutted, turning to the two helmsmen at the control console. "Plot a course through hyperspace, now!"

Helmsman 1: "But sir! We only have uncharted space in front of us!" He argued.

Helmsman 2: "If we jump now, there's no telling where we might end up!" She agreed.

Captain: "Any planet would be better than facing the Empire's wrath! Just do it!" He ordered while the Jedi tried to calm the remaining crew on the bridge.

Helmsman 1: "Understood sir. Plotting blind hyperspace jump." He said as he and his partner prepared the ship for lightspeed.


Praetor-class ship Blackheart's bridge

Meanwhile on the command deck of the Imperial navy fleet's command ship, the crew onboard were working tirelessly to mop up the remnants of the Separatist holdout fleet. Human men in gray and black uniforms operated silently as they directed the crew of the ship to fire at any remaining Separatist craft in orbit of the planet. And at the head of the bridge, looking out the window towards the battle with indifference on his face, was a man in metal armor that looked battle worn, a shredded black cloak that stopped just at his waist hanging from his shoulders, and a helmet with an orange visor on it that seemed to burn like a raging sun.

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