Chapter 2

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Planet Korriban

Cinder: "I-I don't understand. This is your Sith orders homeworld?" She asked nervously.

(Y/n): "Not exactly. The Sith were actually a species of red skinned humanoids that worshiped the dark side of the Force. It was only around 7000 years ago when Jedi that turned to the dark side found Korriban and made the natives into their new subjects, dubbing themselves 'the Lords of the Sith'. The title has stuck with them since then and Korriban was held in high regard for it. Though the species itself is now extinct, the order they helped found lives on in their name, with Korriban being held in high regard now by the Empire. Which is why we are here, to test you and your new found sensitivity to the darkness." He explained.

Cinder was cautious on that part. "How exactly will you be testing me down there?" She asked.

(Y/n): "Simple. We're going to land down there, and you are going to venture into a special tomb alone. If you survive the beasts and horrors that fill it, you prove that you are worthy enough to learn the dark side of the Force." He stated.

Cinder: "And... if I fail?"

(Y/n): "... I don't think that it needs to be said, but if you do fail against the trials of the tomb... Well, Salem is going to be mad at me for telling her to start finding your replacement." He said ominously.

This made Cinder more than nervous at that. All she wanted was to learn about the power he wielded and see if she could train for it, but now he was taking her to an unknown world of death and horror to survive a journey into a dusty old tomb for some long dead being that was filled with who knows what. On top of that, her new sensitivity gave Cinder a dark, cold feeling just from being near the planet alone. She could only imagine how she would feel from setting foot on it.

(Y/n): "Now come Cinder, your training is to soon begin." He said as he turned with a fling of his cloak and walked out of the bridge, Cinder hesitantly following behind him.

Making their way to the hangar bay, (Y/n) gave Cinder the exact run down of what she would be doing: she would journey into the tomb they would land near the entrance to, she would pass through the traps and trials, as well as the beasts that inhabited it as their home, and see if she could awaken the slumbering being in the tomb for an audience.

She wasn't exactly sure how sane he sounded on that last part, since it sounded like she would be raising the dead, but she wasn't in any position to question as they made it to the same black shuttle that would carry them down to the planet below.

Once on board, she saw the black armored soldiers that she had seen with him seated in the waiting area as they sat down on hook into the securement seats as the ship rumbled and took off, (Y/n) giving the pilots coordinates to land at.

After a few minutes of silence in the aircraft with tension in the air, the ship finally moved to a stop, everyone unhooking from the seats and moving to the loading ramp. Once it lowered down, Cinder got a good look at the planet's surface.

And needless to say, she saw right in assuming this planet would be a nightmare to be on.

The entire surface was as barren and rocky as the Land of Darkness, the only differences being the lack of Grimm, the brownish coloring everywhere, and the structures of ruins that dotted the landscape like monuments of failure. Other than that, it was almost like she never left home.

And in front of them was a pathway that led to a temple-like structure that seemed imposing on even its own visitors and inhabitants when it would've been active, even having the same effect now on her being.

(Y/n): "There you go Cinder. Journey through that temple's tomb, speak to the spirit that inhabits it, and prove you are worthy to learn the power of the dark side." He ordered.

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