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Hey everyone! Before we begin the epilogue, I want to do somethings really quick here first. First off, I want to thank you all so much for being with and supporting me on this incredible journey in writing this story for you awesome people. I never thought I'd actually make it to this point, in writing a story of my own for people to enjoy. But it was because of you guys' support that I was able to make the best of it, and for that I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Second, a commenter asked if I could provide a bio of the male readers powers to showcase how strong he is. So here you guys go.

Male Reader's Powers:

The Dark Side of the Force: Though not as strong as Vader and Palpatine due to his humanity and resilience to emotional disposition, the Warlock is still a formidable opponent, able to cast Dark Side spells such as Drain Life and Force Lightning to a great degree. These powers evolve over time due to the dark magics he learns from Salem to the point where his Drain life becomes a Death Field of drain multiple opponents, and his lightning has turned red due to its darker nature.

Lightsaber combatant: Though not as skilled as Vader, he's still able to hold his own in a fight, he just prefers to combine his magic with his sword play and gain any advantage over his opponents.

Manipulation: Taking a lesson from Sidious, the Warlock became more prone to sweet talking and intimidating new people of interests. When speaking to new people, he can either use subtle persuasion or intimidation tactics to pit people against each other. If it requires a more powerful touch, the Warlock will make like a Trickster of Tzeenth and use some of his powers of the Dark Side to influence their minds to his liking, getting them to think they are thinking such thoughts themselves when in reality, it is the Warlock influencing their minds towards a different fate.

Force Mask: A Force Alchemy technique used for thousands of centuries, the Mask allows the user to change their image into something different, so as to placate concerns or give a false sense of security. The Warlock uses this ability like Palpatine did during the Clone Wars to hide his Dark Side Corruption and Grimm Corruption from the populace to appear as the noble knight he has shown himself to be.

Sith Sorcery: As his position of Galactic Imperial Warlock, (Y/n) has had access to Sith Lore to unlock mystical secrets and magics under the supervision of the Emperor’s gaze. Now free to explore more into it, he is able to manipulate matter and life into twisted forms, such as alchemically enhanced weapons or the Chrysalisk Grimm that guard his domain. Who knows what other powers he will unlock with his free will...

Golden Eyes: Gain after a confrontation with Ruby Rose's silver eyes into his mind, the Midichlorians in his body worked havoc with the silver energy trying to eradicate the Grimm corruption in his biology, unintentionally combining all the prospects and creating a power that rivals silver eyes: golden eyes. Like their counterparts, the golden eyes take a great deal of power to unleash, but when they do, they cause great burning pain to anyone in the vicinity. Not just physical, but psychological as well, and perhaps even spiritual, as it is possible it can sever a person's connection with their abilities when blasted full force by the light of golden eyes. Still seeking to study them, the Warlock is looking to test his new powers on Force-users, should Palpatine or Vader find him again...

Well, that's pretty much what I can think of at the top of my head. Please let me know if I missed anything, as it has been a long day for me and I'm really tired from it.


Imperial New Vale

After arriving at New Vale, (Y/n) was met with a magnificent view.

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