Chapter 1

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(As much as I want to, I don't own Star Wars or RWBY)


Remnant Orbit

Up in orbit above the primitive planet, hidden behind the cracked moon so as to avoid detection by any star gazers or laboratories, the Imperial fleet of the Dark Tide legion was building a base on the parts of the moon that were stable enough to hold buildings.

Already there was a main ground base set up with atmospheric processors for a breathable perimeter, as well as turbo laser towers and a shield generator and a vehicle bay to store and repair armored regiments.

Above the base was the main fleet that maintained its position to protect the growing stronghold. And in the main command ship, the Blackheart, was Imperial Warlock (Y/n) (L/n) at the head of the bridge, looking out onto his physical power in the form of a navy and army that was growing, due to s certain deal he made with an equally dark individual on the planet this damaged moon orbited.

Smirking a bit to himself, (Y/n) thought to himself how he came to this position...



Salem: "Let me see if I understand this clearly." She began after taking a few minutes to fully process the full explanation of where (Y/n) and his men came from and what they did. "You are a dictatorial regime that pushes for human supremacy over alien species that number in the hundreds in an entire galaxy that numbers in the millions of worlds out there, with Remnant being located in these 'Unknown Regions'."

(Y/n): "That is a good start to it, yes." He commented.

Salem: "You are in service to an ancient order of dark siders that call themselves the Sith that use a mystical power called the Force, particularly its dark side, and battle against these Jedi that use the light side of it to dominate and conquer all in your sight in the belief that because you have this power, you were meant to rule, while the Jedi fight against you for the sake of peace and service to the Force that they revere to as a God?"

(Y/n): "I wouldn't consider it to be that far in how they worship it, but you're on the spot there."

Salem: "And now that you Sith have dominated the galaxy, you hunt down any surviving Jedi without much opposition to you in conquering worlds while gathering more power for yourselves to make your place in history permanent?" She asked the last part with interest.

(Y/n): "Indeed. Though we don't have the ability for everything, we hold great power enough to experiment to search for the answer to the ultimate goal of the Sith: immortality. The Sith have always been searching for a way to become immortal so as to keep their empires existent under their supervision, as they didn't trust anyone enough with their personal power. As such, there has been a great deal of paranoia and competition amongst the Sith's' numbers whenever it was in high amounts. This caused us to reduce the number of Sith there could be at a time in order to survive." He explained.

Salem: "How so?" She asked.

(Y/n): "Because something I learned from ancient texts of the Sith Lord Darth Bane, is that the dark side is like venom: if it was distributed amongst others equally, then its quality would deteriorate until it became nothing more than an irritant, which was what Sith orders of old were to the galaxy when it was united. Only when it was concentrated in as few individuals as possibly would it be at it's highest potency to deal damage to its enemies. And thus, he created the Rule of Two, which stated that there were to be only two true Sith at a time: a master to hold the power and an apprentice to crave it. And when the master became weaker than the apprentice, he or she would kill him or her in combat and take the role of master themselves while taking an apprentice of their own, continuing the cycle until the Sith's ultimate grand plan was complete, which it was recently."

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