Chapter 15

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Atlas Airspace

Coming into formation with the smaller Atlas fleet of warships, the Imperial fleet of Acclamators, Arquitens, and one Mk. 2 Preator moved closer to dock with the city of Atlas, deploying its forces on the ground at the outskirts of the city, due to the increase of Grimm suddenly tempting the defenses of the fly city and Mantle on the ground below it. It was as if something had suddenly lured the normal black-skinned Grimm to both cities near each other.

Little did they know, it was actually three things that were on the Preator ship, Blackheart. Number one: the queen of the Grimm, Salem. Number two: the unofficial king of the Grimm, (Y/n) (L/n) the Warlock of the Dark Side. And number three: the relic of Knowledge that was under steep security in the hull of the command ship.

Their reason for being there? To make a subtle maneuver of taking Atlas from their enemies and making the beginnings of their Empire official. Henceforth, the relic in their ship, and the bulk of Salem's inner circle with them as well.

Watts: "Ah, Atlas. It has been ages since I've been here." He piped from his position among the bridge.

(Y/n): "That's right, you were a scientist here before, am I right doctor?" He asked the man next to him.

Watts: "Indeed. I used to work with a fellow colleague of mine here. Before I was disgraced to cover up an incident and forced to fake my death to avoid the firing squad that would kill me." He answered with slight bitterness in his tongue.

(Y/n): "Well then, at least you'll be back home with a clean slate once we take over this kingdom as our public capital." He said as he turned to the others in the bridge.

Hazel and Tyrian were at Salem's side, who was holding the twins in here arms as she imagined the new changes they were going to make here, Emerald and Mercury were to the side and looking out the starboard windows to take in the scenery, and Cinder was walking up to him and Watts as they spoke after her mission to Menagerie.

(Y/n): "Cinder. Welcome back. I take it this means that everything is in order and that the White Fang are now in the position where I asked?" He spoke to her.

Cinder: "Indeed my lord." She answered. "Adam and his forces have been sent to Mantle where they await the order to raid the Dust mines that hold the Faunus slave labor. I had to coordinate a lot with him to make the plan work."

Watts: "Now, that is surprising, considering how you used to be in the past." He sniped.

Cinder growled at the comment, but before she could speak, (Y/n) spoke for her. "Doctor, like I said back at the moonbase, I advise you to keep any personal thoughts about the others to yourself. As any infighting between our ranks, especially when we are so close to our goal, could potentially ruin everything. And I doubt anyone would like to be on the receiving end of me and my wife's vengeance. Understood?" He snapped.

Watts: "Of course, my lord. My apologies." He answered, while Cinder hid a small smirk at Watts being called out for his comments.

(Y/n): "Now go update Salem, both of you." He said, gesturing to said person at the front of the bridge. "It is time for an 'old friend' of Ironwood's to make a heroic return..."


Ever since the Fall of Beacon, General James Ironwood of Atlas Academy had become a very busy man.

Since the fall and being forced to retreat back to Atlas, Ironwood had desperately been trying to get in contact with Ozpin or the Imperial Knight (Y/n) (L/n) to get a grasp on the situation against Salem. Even with the Imperial Advisors the Imperials had given him to coordinate the reorganization of Atlas forces with the Imperial forces they spared, James still found himself losing sleep more than once a night a week.

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