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Name: (Y/n) (L/n)

Status: Imperial Warlock

Age: 23


Jedi Order (Formerly)

Galactic Republic (Formerly)

Galactic Empire


Dark Tide Legion (Your personal attack army)

Armor: Doonium steel plate armor with a ceremonial black cape the has now been torn to resemble a scarf with ragged ends. Has a Y-shaped visor instead of a T-shaped to resemble Sith warriors of old.

Backstory: Like all Jedi, (Y/n) was found at a young age by the Jedi order and brought to the temple to be trained as a Jedi Knight. Over the course of his training, his master, a human male named Vandus Cabal, soon trained him to the point of being ready to take the Jedi trials for knighthood when he was seventeen years of age, due to his strong connection to the Force and his unnatural ability to heal himself with the Force from any injury.

But just before he was to take the trials, the Clone Wars broke out, resulting in him and his master being deployed to Geonosis with their new Clone Troopers. Though he survived and lead his new troops valiantly, his master was unfortunately killed in an ambush by Geonosians, resulting in (Y/n) becoming vengeful and dark, to the point where he ordered his troops to follow him in purging any Geonosian footholds that still held with flametroopers, making sure to hear every bugs screams as they burned.

After the battle, (Y/n) was allowed to become a Jedi knight and a commander due to the need for more official warriors needed out in the front lines, though this turned out to be a mistake on their part. Over the course of the war, (Y/n) became much more darker and pragmatic, allowing his troops to commit unwarranted searches on possibly Separatist worlds and even ordering executions of Separatist leaders, which caught the eye of both the Jedi council and a certain chancellor.

When brought before them to answer for his actions halfway through the war, (Y/n) explained to the court that the Separatists were the ones committing war crimes and that he was giving the people wronged by them justice and closure for what they suffered through. He even went a step further by calling the council that called his actions war crimes themselves fools for not only believing that his orders were done against innocents and not the guilty like he did, but for also arrogantly thinking that the people of the galaxy would blindly follow their Jedi ideals and just get over the atrocities the Separatists commit willingly on them all, thinking that if he was going to be expelled from the order, then he may as well be truthful about his thoughts.

However, to his surprise, when the council did indeed order him expelled from the order and the Republic itself, Palpatine himself overruled the councils decision in the court hearing and instead praised his actions in front of the people, announcing that he spoke the truth of how the galaxy was in its current state and that he was to be commended for his service. Despite the council and some other senators best efforts to convince them all otherwise, the court unanimously voted that (Y/n) was instead to be accommodated for his actions and be given the rank of general of his own clone force, further discrediting the Jedi Order and their few senator allies and driving a wedge between (Y/n) and the Order itself.

Now with his own personal army and without the Jedi to hold him back, (Y/n) was free to do whatever he deemed necessary to attain victory in the war, despite the Jedi doing everything in their power to stop him from causing more war crimes against innocent people.

Eventually though, after the war came to a closing end, Order 66 came down from the Chancellor, and (Y/n)'s personal gift from the Senate turned out to be a kill switch in the end. Though he was able to escape from his troops, the galaxy at large was now hunting him, just like all the other Jedi that survived the Purge. After a few years, (Y/n) was eventually discovered on Malastre and captured by the Inquisitors, tortured, isolated, and eventually broken enough to have him embrace the dark side of the Force and join the Inquisitorius.

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