Chapter 3

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Remnant, Land of Darkness

Salem was having a field day.

First she had been given books, paper scrolls, and an ancient hologram device of knowledge by the target of her interest to study up on the history and lore of the Sith. Then she was informed that herds of Grimm were being guided by the Imperials to their supposed 'moon base' for study on army combination, which she would've appreciated a warning to. And now, after hours of obsessive studying over the texts with the help of these 'protocol droids' that Watts was obsessing over once he was allowed to study their framework, she had been informed that they had located the Fall Maiden.

She was certainly under guard from one of Ozpin's subordinates, and would surely require a more strategic approach. Both on the lackey and the Maiden.

But that wasn't the dominant that anchored in her mind.

What did was what she had learned about the Sith themselves.

Salem had become fascinated with the rich history of the Sith in their eternal war against the Jedi, who did indeed infuriatingly remind her of Ozpin and his Huntsmen.

She had also become interested in the many orders and even empires they created that eventually fell apart due to infighting as much as their war with the Jedi did with time.

She had also become interested in the figures of main importance in their order's history.

From the first Sith Lord that was a dark Jedi Ajunta Pall that created the first true Sith empire, to the great Marka Ragnos who wielded mighty power and was able to pit his enemies against each other so as to rule for nearly a hundred years. From the praising of the lightsaber work of the legendary duelist Tulak Hord, to the ambitious campaigns of Naga Sadow whose overconfidence led to the Sith Empire's downfall.

So much interesting information, so little time to view it all.

As much as she wanted to delve more into this text when she came upon information of the Sith species adopted homeworld of Ziost, she knew that she needed to work in gaining the Fall Maidens power in order to have a chance in beginning her ever changing plans.

Not a moment too soon as she looked out the window and saw the black shuttle her target of interest used to personally land on the platform just outside the castle, the warlock, Cinder, and the squad of black armored troops walking down from the loading ramp to come to her.

Calling everyone to her so as to get the meeting started, the last to arrive were (Y/n) and his company, making a fashionably late entrance.

Salem was about to speak when she suddenly sensed something different about Cinder.

She seemed like herself, but there was something more... dark. Powerful about her. Like she had gained more power than what she previously had before and became stronger for it.

She would need to ask them about this later, but right now they had more important matters to deal with.

Salem: "Ah, Cinder. (Y/n). Welcome back. How was the view from Remnant's orbit?" She asked.

Cinder: "It was... something else my lady." She said with confidence.

Hazel: "I can only imagine what it would be like to see Remnant from orbit, making it seem like it is in the palm of your hand." He commented.

Watts: "Yes indeed. I'm loath to admit it, but if these people can create machines that I am still having a field day dissecting to understand them and can make ships that can travel through orbit, I can only imagine how it would be to have an entire fleet under your command over the planet." He added.

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