Chapter 12

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Multiple events happened in the new Imperial continent of Dradevows.

For one, the newest Imperial academies were finally completed and started training the survivors of Vale to become soldiers. Naturally, because they were so used to civilian life, most collapsed under four weeks of training, which meant that they had to dial down on the tensity if they wanted their army numbers to grow. The only ones that were able to cope with life training were the former students of Beacon, and even they were run rugged and stressed from the tense training regime built for them to become soldiers. The ones that were able to make it through the four-week timespan were taken into consideration to become Stormtroopers.

Another event was happening with their allies in Atlas. Apparently, the CEO of the Schnee Dust Company, Jacques Schnee, was reported captured by the White Fang and wasn't expected to survive, not that anyone wanted to rescue the CEO. Instead, all of his underlings went at each other to try and claim the company for themselves, leaving a massive power vacuum to fill up. Even the now widowed Willow Schnee, Weiss' mother, couldn't hold herself from the political fighting and just went back to drinking her sorrows away, now that she had a big torment in her life gone.

Not that it would've mattered anyway, as reports came in that the new department (Y/n)'s forces made to handle logistics on their planet, the Resources Distribution Guild (RDG), had been worked around the clock to sell their galactic resources to the natives, which in turn sparked a massive boom in profits that would aid them in acquiring materials and equipment to experiment and test on, including new weapons, ships, and armor. Not only that, but the Guild was now exploring beyond Remnant to find new resource worlds to fuel their machine, and after a few trials and errors, finally had fully functioning economic setups on three worlds a quick hyperspace jump away from Remnant. Since these were undocumented worlds by the Empire, the Black Tide legion decided to name these worlds themselves, with an arid, rocky, and desert world being named Eonos, a jungle, flora and fauna rich world named Palavida, and a massive gas giant simply named Titan.

With these in their cards, as well as the resource handling ships the Imperials made in their now completed shipyard over their secret moon base for this type of situation, the Black Tide was able to form an effective company of their own on Remnant that was now selling items and resources used in said items that were making the planets own resource known as Dust obsolete. Soon, Dust ammunition was replaced with Tibanna gas chambers for blaster weaponry the natives were testing, Dust generators were replaced with Ion engines that powered vehicles longer, and even Doonium was used in place of certain people that used to coat their clothing in Dust for special occasions.

Though there was also a close call in making their presence hidden from the main power base of the Galactic Empire. Warlock (Y/n) (L/n) had decided that it was officially time to cut his ties with Palpatine and focus more on his own goals and agendas. And in order to do that, he needed to make the Empire believe he was dead. Easier said than done mind you, but with his new abilities in mind, he came up with a daring plan that would risk much if not everything to fake his and their forces' deaths...


Maldice: "I beg your pardon my lord, but I believe I missed heard you. You want to what??" He asked exasperatedly to his master. Ever since he had been disillusioned with Palpatines, he had begun the necessary steps to finalize both the defense of Remnant from any Imperial forces and the implementation of Imperialization of this planet for his Warlock master. Though some of the steps taken seemed a bit outlandish to the average officer, Maldice knew of the Emperor's paranoid spy system that didn't take any chances and knew to either confine any loyalists remaining for disillusion, or terminate those that were fanatical.

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