Chapter 5

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Blackheart Bridge

High above the city of Vale, (Y/n) watched the planet with an indifferent look, masking his feelings of disgust of the planet's ignorant inhabitants.

Since his time in the Empire, he had learned to make the people learn about the realities they faced: either submit to Imperial might, or die in a crushing way to their military. This produced the fear towards their enemies to stop them from rebelling.

Yet these people lived completely ignorant of the true dangers that were on their door steps, ready to pounce on them in the delusional belief that their glorified heroes would protect them from the Grimm and continue as their elite police. Believing that humanity and Faunus would eventually united in an 'Era of eternal peace and unification'.

It was such a stupid concept to believe.

Different factions and races of any kind always bring conflicting ideals and beliefs to clash against each other. It's only a matter of time before the tensions escalated to the point of battle, which showed realities true colors to strengthen the realistic and shatter the naive.

Though in some of their defense, their ignorance wasn't entirely their own fault.

Salem told him that working from the shadows worked both ways, and that Ozpin worked hard to keep this war they fought a secret, for if the planet knew of an immortal witch that lead the Grimm, then complete and utter panic and despair would ignite, which would spur the Grimm into a frenzy from incredible amount of negative emotions that would arise.

So it was basically a double-edged sword: their actions needed to be on the down low for them to succeed, until the perfect time to show themselves finally presented itself.

A lesson he begrudgingly learned from Sidious, as his plan to destroy the Jedi and form the Galactic Empire was what inspired him to create this plan in the first place. Tear their enemies apart from outside sources, and then strike at them in a weakened state to end it all. It might seem cowardly to normal people, but individuals like Sith and other darksiders weren't slaves to concepts such as morality and honor. The ends justified the means in their books. Meaning if (Y/n) had to choose between slaughtering the meek and vanquishing the mighty to break the enemy, he would choose slaughter.

As he contemplated his thoughts more, his wrist communicator beeped, signaling the third strike force that was hidden more cautiously, just to be on the safe side.

(Y/n): "Infiltration team, are you in position?" He asked.


Tyrian: "This is Poison Heart team. We are in position, my lordship." The scorpion Faunus replied dutifully, decked out in his new outfit.

He still had some of his original white clothing, but now he wore over said white clothing light metal armor that was easy to maneuver in, along with a helmet that resembled that of the infamous Separatist General Grievous so as to hide his appearance.

Alongside him were prototype assassins for the beginning of his road to conquest: Terror Troopers. Equipped with cybernetic claws on their hands, lethal stun blasters, and stealth field generators to turn them invisible when infiltrating hostile environments.

 Equipped with cybernetic claws on their hands, lethal stun blasters, and stealth field generators to turn them invisible when infiltrating hostile environments

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