Chapter 17 (+18)

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(Warning! This chapter will contain sexual content and some dark scenes. Read at your own risk. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.)

Kingdom of Atlas (Imperial Control)

After the fiasco with the wounded rebels, Imperial forces were kept busy.

Police units were immediately dispatched to the crash area where the rebels landed, but when they got there, they were too late. The shuttle was mostly abandoned, save for one body: an elderly woman with robotic eyes crushed under some debris that crashed through the windows. It appeared Maria Calvera's luck in crash-landings finally ran out and put her out of her misery. Other than her body laid there, there was no sign of any of the other rebels near the vicinity.

Not long after that, the Imperials made an announcement that they had had enough of this destructive behavior from the people of Mantle and were officially placing a curfew and martial law lockdown until they finally found Robyn Hill and ended this rebellion once and for all.

Naturally, this was met with whining and outrage from the people of Mantle, but the heavy weaponry and machinery forced them to comply when aimed at them.

In spite of all this, the leadership of the Imperials convened with each other to figure out what to do next. As they bickered with each other on how to stamp out this angry fire in Mantle, the primary leaders were a different story. Convened in an infirmary, the Warlock was sat at a bed with Doctor Watts examining his bandaged eyes with some equipment, while the others stood back a bit.

Vernal and a few of her Mandalorian comrades stood guard at the entrance way during the exam, while Ironwood and Salem stood to the side. Salem had become frantic when she learned from Vernal about what had happened to his eyes, and immediately ordered Watts to examine the Warlock's well-being in case anything happened to him. Ironwood was also curious about his well-being, as he didn't want everything he had done for the sake of bringing peace to Remnant to end with him.

After about a half hour of examining, Watts packed up and turned around. "I must admit, this is something I am unfamiliar with. My genius is extensive, but in regards to his unique biology, I have little to work with to give you a full report." He spoke.

Ironwood: "Well, what can you tell us from what you have, however little it may be?" He spoke as Salem listened intently.

Watts: "I am unable to properly explain it, but those microscopic organisms in his bloodstream seem to be reacting in tandem with everything else." He began while bringing up a datapad. "This here is the result of an examination when he gained his full Grimm immortality." He said, then switching the images. "And this is the result of my examination now." Showing the same image, only this one had certain particles acting wildly in his body, as if trying to fight the Grimm blood in his veins, but the Midicholorians interfering with both sides. "From what I have gathered, it would appear that the light particles in his body are reacting negatively with his Grimm biology, but these organisms, these 'Midicholorians', are not only interfering with this, but also appear to be corrupting both sides."

Salem: "Corrupting both sides? What exactly do you mean by that?" She asked as (Y/n) also asked in curiosity.

Watts: "Well, on one side, we can see the Grimm blood in his biology being attacked by the light particles in his body, which are trying to purge it all. But these microscopic organisms, these 'Midichlorians' as lord (Y/n) has called them, are countering them, even going as far as to manipulate them, while also merging with the Grimm aspects to, believe it or not, combine them into... something. What that is I cannot ascertain until further research is done, but this is something that I don't believe should take away his sight." He deduced.

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