Chapter 4

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I do not own Star Wars and RWBY, as much as I want to....


Remnant, Land of Darkness

A lot had changed ever since that day at (Y/n) being accepted by Salem to rule Remnant with her.

After finally finishing their moon base and situating Imperial forces onto the moon and planet, he and Salem had begun the experimentation of augmenting Grimm forces. It was touch and go for a while, but after some test runs, as well as some suggestions from Watts and the other Imperial scientists, they were eventually able to come to some results: outfitting the more common Grimm such as Beowolves and Ursas with steel armor, while more advanced forms like Beringels and Deathstalkers would have some blaster weaponry grafted onto their arms for a more ranged attack.

It wasn't much, but it was a start.

Aside from the animal augmentation, things became much different around the LOD (Land of Darkness).

Now that he was technically a king of these lands as a sort of second-in-command, he could do almost anything with his new followers, so long as it didn't hamper their ability to serve Salem.

For example, even though he was a bit disturbed by his sudden submissiveness, (Y/n) brought Tyrian Callows with him to the Blackheart's medical center to test something new: cybernetic assassins that struck fast and precise. As a way to also compensate for the amputated arm, the warlock explained to the scorpion Faunus what his new cybernetics would entail, from steel talons grafted onto his new hands and light armor plating, to even giving him a stealth field generator to turn invisible and even give him two cybernetic tails that could both inject poison from the top tip of the pincer-like end and shoot blaster bolts from the lower tips.

Needless to say, Tyrian was more than eager to try out these new possibilities with Salem's blessing once she gave it.

After some precise surgery that Watts became involved in so as to explain Faunus biology to the doctors on board, Tyrian was finally outfitted with the cybernetics mentioned that he then tested out in training against wild Grimm in the LOD, with results that made him even more giddy to try out on Huntsmen and Huntresses.

Speaking of the doctor, Watts was eventually introduced to the mechanics division of the Dark Tide force and was explained to how their machinery worked. After long, lengthy hours of closely examining the schematics and blueprints for some vehicles and starfighters, Watts proposed that he could make their machines even better with his innovation to upgrade their flaws, such as the AT-ST's light armor plating and the AT-AT's inability to work with infantry. Deciding to test it, (Y/n) gave Watts the go ahead to build prototypes for what he had in mind, using resources they had at their disposal, as well as some they were mining from the moon's stable surface and some nearby asteroids and gas giants for minerals.

Some time after working, Watts eventually presented his new AT-HST, which was short for 'All Terrain Heavy Scout Walker'. Basically it was the AT-ST walker with some heavier armor with improved gyroscopic systems for more balance, as well as a narrow view port instead of the two separate windows for the drivers. (Think the First Order's AT-ST walker, cause even I have to admit that some designs of the sequels are good at most.)

Another innovation he presented was a model of their AT-ATs, the AT-ACT, which was a larger version of it for more transport and construction methods. By improving it's weapons systems and armor plating on its body and foldable doors on its sides, as well as refurbishing the large interior mid section to house more munitions and more room for troopers and speeders, it was now a dedicated combat transport and heavy walker.

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