Chapter 13

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Land of Darkness

Once arriving at Evernight Castle, (Y/n) made his way from the shuttle to find Salem. Getting some directions from the guards, the Warlock made his way to the throne room, seeing her there with a bit of an annoyed look on her face, which brightened a bit once he made his presence known.

Salem: "Good, you're finally back." She said as she stood up and walked forward to embrace him. "Was it truly worth it to take your time from us?"

(Y/n): "As a matter of fact, it was indeed. We now have a great deal of warriors called Mandalorians." He started, explaining what they were and what they would be good at in their goals.

Salem: "That sounds good. Because I could use some competent hands out in the field right now, much as I don't want you among them." She said begrudgingly.

(Y/n): "And what exactly has happened?" He asked as they sat down on their respective thrones in the room.

Salem: "Hazel reports that the White Fang are receiving criticism for their part in the downfall of Vale, and that Adam reports they are nearing the point of civil war on Menagerie. But that's not the main concern for us."

(Y/n): "Then what is?"

Salem: "Leonardo reports that they found the Spring Maiden. That's the good news. The bad news, is that she is in a bandit tribe known as Branwen, which you might know a bit about. Worse news, is that said Branwen, Qrow, survived along with the silver-eyed girl the downfall of Vale and are now in Mistral. They and a few friends they have are looking for the Maiden and the Relic of Knowledge as well. And he believes that they are onto you and your true nature and plans as well." She said, which made him raise his brow.

(Y/n): "He didn't mention anything that would give me away, did he?" He asked, thinking of ways to torture the fool for his cowardice.

Salem: "No he didn't, miraculously. He merely said that Qrow told him to keep the Imperials you stationed there out of their plan and to not let any of them know of their existence in Mistral." She explained.

(Y/n): "Hm, that does indeed complicate things. Do we have the general location of were this tribe of scum are?" He asked.

Salem: "Watts has discovered their temporary location, and Cinder is training right now to prepare to enter the fray again." SHe spoke.

This made (Y/n) curious. Some time ago, Cinder had regained consciousness, and was coping with her new wounds. When asked how this could've happened, Salem deduced that it was probably after effects from the time training with the special Grimm glove that was intended to be used to take the Fall Maidens powers from Amber before he came along, and that it would've been more severe if she fully used in in action.

Anyway, since waking up and learning of her arm being covered in ugly burn scars, along with the left side of her face, she wanted to get back in the action as soon as possible to train herself, this time using her dark side powers, but Salem told her otherwise, saying she needed rest before she started training again.

He hadn't been able to see her for all that time, as she was kept on moon base for her safety and to train normally without any fear of damaging their operations on Remnant, as well as be near the surgeons that worked on her to keep her condition stable. But he still heard things about her training, like her trying to amp up her Maiden powers to the next level, or use her currently known dark side powers to greater effect, to even combining the two sometimes to create new attack methods. It would be nice to see her again.

(Y/n): I take it this means you want me, Cinder, and our new allies to force these cowards into our compliance?" He asked.

Salem: "Unfortunately, yes. The enemy is moving quicker than we anticipated, so we need to act soon. Gather Cinder, our new forces, and negotiate with the bandit tribe to comply with us in acquiring the Relic of Knowledge. And if they refuse, show them your new Grimm pets to make them more compliant." She suggested darkly.

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