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She was a dream for guys. As the vice-president of her high school's student council, and being the top of her class she was seen as a priss, but little did they know that she wasn't as stuck up as they thought.

Gavin Reed was the unfriendly neighbourhood asshole. He skipped class, got into fights and smoked behind the school. He'd come to school high as a kite and leave drunk as a sailor. The only time he'd stay sober was when he was getting into her pants.

The two were hostile in public, the girl often having to write him up for being late to class, wandering the halls and starting fights and him complaining and calling her creative names. However, behind closed doors, it was another story. They'd be all over each other risking a lifelong commitment every time they got excited.

It was only when the idea of commitment to one another cropped up that the two became only hostile. She was outed for what she did with him and was named the biggest slut in Detroit.

She moved soon after graduating.

He stayed put.

Piece It Together - Gavin ReedWhere stories live. Discover now